Went to my favorite category, food and cooking. Should I bother answering questions posted months ago? :(?

Went to my favorite category, food and cooking. Should I bother answering questions posted months ago? :( I really miss chatting about food and cooking... Asked by ArabianKnightress 4 months ago Similar questions: favorite category food cooking bother answering questions posted months ago Food & Drink > Recipes.

Similar questions: favorite category food cooking bother answering questions posted months ago.

Sure, why not! It will pop the question up on the list and others might notice it, too. Sometimes we miss questions due to being busy or gone and it's nice to have a little nudge to answer them!

Okay, just didn't want to feel silly if a question is from 11 months ago. Thanks Poppet :) ArabianKnightress 4 months ago .

If I am here, Ii am always in the mood to talk food. In fact, my husband made a great ciappino * last night and we are wondering how others do theirs. We kind of followed something from Food Network web with a little ad libbing.Thanks..

Food Network is great! Have you ever tried cooks. Com?

Its a little more down to earth kinda cooking. :) ArabianKnightress 4 months ago .

We have tried Cooks. Com and gives us some ideas, but m y husband is partial to little Alton Brown and I like All Recipes. We try t o take a few and kind of meld them.

I would love to do more greek and mediterranian (sp - hell with it - witching hour anyway) cooking. Love stuffed grape leaves but finding other folks to share them is a problem.

I answer old questions all the time. Sometimes I even hear back from the asker. So Ak, What's for dinner?

Alright Carla :) Thank you! Tonight I made sirloin tips with rich dark gravy :) Sorry! ArabianKnightress 4 months ago .

You can,but good luck at any kind of a response.

( I know...I really need to talk food with someone! ArabianKnightress 4 months ago .

You're very kind squeaky :) ArabianKnightress 4 months ago .

AK - if you want to find interesting questions, you have to go back months, maybe even a year ago. What's getting asked on here now has all the pizzazz and excitement of watching ice melt, old cars rusting, or unloading the grocery trucks at the loading dock. I've been on here for about 5 minutes and started yawning!

I see now we're starting to get a lot of "what color eyes should I have? " questions to go along with the sex and blood type questions. YAWN!

I'm gonna go check my e-mails or something and delete the spam - that's more exciting than being here.

As much as I hate to, but I agree with you Oldppie :( There isn't really much to answer anymore and when I do I rarely get a response. ArabianKnightress 4 months ago .

Yep, this place is going down the crapper faster than anyone ever dreamed possible. Should be completely flushed away by the 1-year anniversary of the great change they made which ruined the place.

That makes me very sad to hear... ArabianKnightress 4 months ago .

Where did my question go?! It says "You have not asked any questions" and I posted 5 min ago" "Colby cheese question (should have been posted in the Food category - sorry!). " "What site do you refer to when answering questions posted on here?

" "Is anyone else running into this: people are suddenly digging up and answering questions from 9 -10 months ago?" "Why do questions on Askville now say they were posted 48857 months ago?

Where did my question go?! It says "You have not asked any questions" and I posted 5 min ago.

Colby cheese question (should have been posted in the Food category - sorry! ).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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