Common symptoms of food poisoning?

And thank you for your question regarding food poisoning symptoms. Food poisoning is a mild illness that occurs after eating or drinking contaminated food or drink. The most common symptoms of food poisoning are abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

These symptoms usually last anywhere from twenty-four to forty-eight hours and can be quite uncomfortable. Food poisoning is caused by ingesting food that is contaminated with viruses, parasites and bacteria as well as toxic substances such as poison mushrooms and raw fish. Treatment for food poisoning includes avoiding solid foods until the diarrhea subsides, and staying hydrated by drinking water and eating soup broth.

Once your stomach is able to tolerate those you may begin to eat solid foods once again. Some forms of food poisoning can be fatal especially by consuming poisonous plants such as mushrooms. It is best to seek medical treatment as some cases can cause death if the toxin isn't removed from the system.

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