Here are the reasons I think she is guilty. 1. She did not report her daughter missing for over a month.
The child was reported missing by the grandmother. 2. She could not provide any evidence of the "babysitter" who she claimed had kidnapped Caylee.No one else has ever seen or met the woman either.
3. Everyone in contact with Casey shortly after Caylee disappeared reports that Casey did not seem upset or troubled (remember, she claims that her child was kidnapped).4. She lied repeatedly to police.
5. More than 600 mothers kill their children each year.6. Parents are usually the killer.
I think she definitely had something to do with it. Because what kind of mother waits a month to report their child missing?
Yes. Either the mom did it, or it was the grays.
I've actually been following the case for some time. (It's very hard not to) And I believe that even if she didn't directly kill her daughter that she did have something to do with her death. And it is a very sad thing that has happened.
This child probably didn't stand a chance to defend herself. I think we need to give young children a way to defend themselves even in there own home.
We all know Casey has a habit of stealing money. What if she stole money from the wrong people and to make her pay they killed her daughter, then told her if she told anyone they would kill the rest of her family or her. She did tell her mom she was protecting the family.
I'm not saying she didn't do it, I am just saying lets not try her in the media like Scott Peterson. Who by the way, I don't think did it. There were too many things left out of the case, the media didn't know.
The same could be true here.
Sorry to get all high and mighty about juris prudence, but Casey Anthony has every right to be innocent until a jury of her peers, not a bunch of well-educated internet users, finds her guilty. What? You need your soapbox back?
Ok, here it is. Now if the question was the second question or if it was "what evidence exists that makes you consider Casey Anthony's guilt or innocence? " We'd be good to go.
Her case is scheduled for march, so she hasn't been found guilty, but it is very commonly believed that she did, in fact kill her daughter. Unfortunately it seems like this case has become a tabloid frenzy, so it is difficult to decipher truth from fiction in the case. Here are a few links, however, that seem to tell the story pretty well.,2933,465784,00.html
I would have to believe she had a major part in the murder if she wasn't the one who actually did it. Her actions (or lack there of) from day one of when her daughter went missing are so contradictory to what a parent should feel and say if their child is gone. When she speaks in the police interviews and her recorded conversations with her parents and friends, she is casting a very large cloud of suspicion over herself with the roundabout answers and misleading information she gives.It would lead me to believe she is suffering from mental illness of some form and may not even realize what it is she is actually going through.
Is it possible she could be suffering from a form of post pardum (sp.?) depression?
Yeah, she'll fry alright. She is as guilty as Hell, but has thus far covered her tracks with lies and deceit. But the evidence is mounting.
Her partying days are over. I hope the execution is botched so she has a prolonged agonizing death for what she did to that little girl, her daughter.
She's a liar, a sociopath, a manipulator, and as the future will dictate, a murderer. I hope she fries.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.