Did you notice? No more blue "echo" line on the Discussion Boards! Yay! Thank you, Askville Team?

No more blue "echo" line on the Discussion Boards! Yay! Thank you, Askville Team!

Let's take a moment to thank the Team for getting rid of those ANNOYING blue lines! Asked by Rickisgirl 49 months ago Similar Questions: notice blue echo line Discussion Boards Yay Askville Team Recent Questions About: notice blue echo line Discussion Boards Yay Askville Team Amazon > Askville.

Similar Questions: notice blue echo line Discussion Boards Yay Askville Team Recent Questions About: notice blue echo line Discussion Boards Yay Askville Team.

1 I'm so glad, it was too much on my pea brain of mine.

I'm so glad, it was too much on my pea brain of mine.

2 Let me see if the other glitch has been taken care of or not! :p .

Let me see if the other glitch has been taken care of or not! :p.

5 thanks PT - I didn't want to test it! Someone would say I broke Askville.

Thanks PT - I didn't want to test it! Someone would say I broke Askville.

Askville Moderator: Please take notice! " "The problems we have been seeing on Askville about "broken links" should be fixed soon! Yay!

(See details. )" "I am new on Askville and I have a question regarding Discussion Boards. " "Now that Askville has Spell Check (yay!

), a personal question about spelling:" "What is the most ridiculous discussion that you've ever seen on Askville? " "How would you feel if Askville took away the discussion areas, and just had Q&A alone? " "Who broke Askville?

Is it just me or are all the posts on the discussion boards printing the first line TWICE? " "What's the funniest Askville discussion you've ever seen/had? " "Am I the last one to notice this new feature on Askville?

" "Does anyone still use the askville discussion panels?

The problems we have been seeing on Askville about "broken links" should be fixed soon! Yay! (See details.


I am new on Askville and I have a question regarding Discussion Boards.

Now that Askville has Spell Check (yay! ), a personal question about spelling.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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