Who broke Askville? Is it just me or are all the posts on the discussion boards printing the first line TWICE?

Similar questions: broke Askville posts discussion boards printing line.

Askville Team did! I am not sure if this is a humorous question or a serious one, so I take it seriously and answer it! There was an upgrade for Discussion Boards last night.

They changed a few things and added a few features. As you said DB posts appear this way Mr_M says: This is what I mean! Watch.

This sentence appears... This is what I mean! Watch. This sentence appears TWICE!

Posted 1 min ago Send Mr_M a compliment Report Abuse The first line is a direct link to the post. As far as I can say this is not a major change. My first thought was that when we send a compliment to somebody for a comment there would be a direct link to the corresponding comment but I tried that and it did not work that way.My best guess is that there is going to be changes in the future that they need this direct link.

There might be conversation in DB's that needs this direct link. Right now it is good if you want to send a comment to your friend. You can send the direct link, however you need to copy and paste and send it as a PM.

There are some other changes. For example "Watch this question" button has been moved to the right of questions. Also when you scan questions and add a question to your watch list from the question list and using "more actions" button, you may unwatch it right from there.

The font of questions and summary of answers have been changed also. Sources: observation!Paradise. T's Recommendations Math Symbol Decals : Pi Vinyl Graphic Sticker Is that a coincidence that changed was done on Pi Day?

:p .

1 This is what I mean! Watch. This sentence appears TWICE!

This is what I mean! Watch. This sentence appears TWICE!

2 this is driving me crazy. I hate reading everything twice. Can we ask someone to unfix it?

This is driving me crazy. I hate reading everything twice. Can we ask someone to unfix it?

3 I think it's more of a goof! I just clicked DISCUSS in the one ANSWER posted and there is no first line repeated the way there always used to be! One of the AV programmers has the DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS doing what "DISCUSS" used to do, and vice versa!

Darn night shift! .

I think it's more of a goof! I just clicked DISCUSS in the one ANSWER posted and there is no first line repeated the way there always used to be! One of the AV programmers has the DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS doing what "DISCUSS" used to do, and vice versa!

Darn night shift!

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" "Does anyone still use the askville discussion panels?" "I am new on Askville and I have a question regarding Discussion Boards.

Members say Askville Discussion Boards are boring. So, what can we do?

Somewhere in my Askville travels, I ran across this statement "every time someone posts in a discussion board, 1 coin.

I am new on Askville and I have a question regarding Discussion Boards.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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