What are some old questions with discussion boards that you'd like to see some activity on again? Please see details?

Please see details. I'm thinking, fun ongoing discussions, questions/discussions that show a little bit of Askville "history" for the new folks, questions/discussions that provide helpful info to new folks, questions/discussions that provide insight into others here, etc. Please post a link on this discussion board with a brief explanation of what the discussion is and why. I'll post some myself, once I ask this question.

Don't worry about reading all the links to make sure you don't post a duplicate link, if folks post duplicate links, so be it, it just means that the discussion is liked by more than one person ;0) Asked by marissa 57 months ago Similar Questions: questions discussion boards activity details Recent Questions About: questions discussion boards activity details Amazon > Askville.

Similar Questions: questions discussion boards activity details Recent Questions About: questions discussion boards activity details.

Marissa, I'm glad you asked :) askville.amazon.com/askville/AnswerViewe... ... this is one of my favorite discussion boards because I love getting to know you all! :) .

1 This is an unofficial poll of Askvillers, it gives you a good idea of how many folks are active on Askville and a little bit about some of the folks. askville.amazon.com/askville/OpenQuestio... you haven't posted to the board before, notice comment #83 that asks you put **** in front of your first post, so you can be counted:"Thanks for participating everyone! I'm opening this up now so anyone can comment about any one's post.

If you haven't been counted yet put **** before your comment and I'll count you in. I'll list an official count every few days (or so)..." .

This is an unofficial poll of Askvillers, it gives you a good idea of how many folks are active on Askville and a little bit about some of the folks. askville.amazon.com/askville/OpenQuestio... you haven't posted to the board before, notice comment #83 that asks you put **** in front of your first post, so you can be counted:"Thanks for participating everyone! I'm opening this up now so anyone can comment about any one's post.

If you haven't been counted yet put **** before your comment and I'll count you in. I'll list an official count every few days (or so)...

2 askville.amazon.com/askville/AnswerViewe... love this discussion board and I think we should do it again! .

askville.amazon.com/askville/AnswerViewe... love this discussion board and I think we should do it again!

3 I've got a slot. This is going to take awhile,but I'll submit an answer. This user has been banned from Askville.

3 I've got a slot. This is going to take awhile,but I'll submit an answer.

I've got a slot. This is going to take awhile,but I'll submit an answer.

4 I can think of one in particular that I think a lot of people will put too....

I can think of one in particular that I think a lot of people will put too....

See details and discussion board. " "Some clarification about bonus questions from Askville staff. (Not a question, btw.

:) See details)" "Have I missed something? Is the limit on answers to Askville questions now 4 instead of 5? (See details.

)" "Members say Askville Discussion Boards are boring. So, what can we do? " "Did you notice?

No more blue "echo" line on the Discussion Boards! Yay! Thank you, Askville Team!

" "Where are the best Mac discussion boards? " "Have you used this symbol :-) on any of your discussion boards? " "Askville bulletin boards: Who is your fav?

Some clarification about bonus questions from Askville staff. (Not a question, btw. :) See details).

Members say Askville Discussion Boards are boring. So, what can we do?

No more blue "echo" line on the Discussion Boards! Yay! Thank you, Askville Team!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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