I was so happy! I know you and I were just talking about this very issue a few days ago. Maybe they noticed and took our opinions into consideration.
I do think this will generate income. It will motivate us even more to answer questions and it seems to already have sparked many more questions tonight. I have noticed a huge increase in the number of questions asked tonight based on other nights.
I'm not sure there is a disadvantage. I think the mahalo community members will all benefit and the mahalo site itself should continue to get more and more popular. Maybe the only disadvantage will be that more people will answer more questions and it might lower the over all quality of the responses given but the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.
I noticed the change right away. I saw the announcement on mahalo answers and immediately noticed that the new questions were coming up as 50 cents. It was so cool!
I know it made a lot of people happy!
..me being so new I was thrilled to see the .25 raise. Awesome Mahalo.
Maybe they noticed and took our opinions into consideration. I do think this will generate income. It will motivate us even more to answer questions and it seems to already have sparked many more questions tonight.
I have noticed a huge increase in the number of questions asked tonight based on other nights. I'm not sure there is a disadvantage. I think the mahalo community members will all benefit and the mahalo site itself should continue to get more and more popular.
Maybe the only disadvantage will be that more people will answer more questions and it might lower the over all quality of the responses given but the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages. I noticed the change right away. I saw the announcement on mahalo answers and immediately noticed that the new questions were coming up as 50 cents.
It was so cool! I know it made a lot of people happy!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.