Do people know when they are going to die before they die?

Unless the death is sudden and unexpected, such as a fatal motor vehicle accident, I believe that many people are aware of their impending death. It is my belief that the mind prepares the body for death; so, that when it comes it is not the enemy we thought it would be. There have been too many examples of people knowing their passing in advance for me to believe other.

Yes, definitely, if it's a slow decline. My father seemed to know he was dying a few weeks before he passed away. He seemed resigned to the fact, and expressed it many times, but was not happy about it either.

Apparently, my parent's next door neighbour's husband was the same way just before he died. My mother sort of knew as well, but she was more fearful, as though she wasn't done living yet.

I would say a resounding YES many of us will know when that time has arrived, many will not. Some people are foretold so in their dreams, others get a flash or strange feeling or a sense of total peace. I don't fear death and sometimes have wondered what it would be like to die, I dreamed I took my last breath and as I was gulping I suddenly woke up, I guess it was not my time to pass over.Do I believe in an after life, most certainly I do.

Death is just a rebirth a cycle of life. I believe we meet our loved ones that passed before us, God has a higher plan for every human on earth that has passed and for those who will in the near or immediate future. Not fearing death, I sometimes get the feeling of peace knowing that my day will be at hand one day and in many respects I look forward to finding out the truth about our afterlife.

Our mind is stronger than our body. We all understand although try to put at the back of our mind, that somewhere in the future death awaits for all of us. People, who despair, who lost a purpose in their lives often stop functioning in their daily function, often bringing the activities needed for survival to a stop.

Knowledge of death is for them welcoming way out and in times of an accident or illness they decide to succumb to their predicament. People, whose earthly tasks are unfinished, knowledge of death have to emerge side by side with the persistent ability to picture a bright future. In times of an accident or illness they imagine their way out and often seem to take a dramatic turn for the better.To some extent we can predict our own ending, although there are aways exceptions...

A couple of years ago my grandmother, rather uncharacteristically, gave us our Christmas money (she always gave us money rather than a present) in September rather than December. We all thought this a little odd. Then she died in October, quite unexpectantly - though 97 she still lived alone and wasn't ill.

Did she somehow feel that she wouldn't be around at Christmas? I'll never know that now, but I've always wondered.

In Bible days, godly people who had lived good long lives, somehow knew when their time of departure from this life would be for them. They had time to gather their families around their beds, leave their house in order and bless each of their descendants. Only when all that had been taken care of, they would give up the ghost for good.

If that was possible then, it should be possible today too, providing, of course, that the person has had a close relationship to God for a long time.

I was a Medical Technologist and worked in hospitals for over 30 years. I have drawn blood on more than one person both on the floor and in the ER, who announced that they were not going home. Their blood work said otherwise.To my surprise, they were right and the lab work and the doctors were not.

They never left the hospital.

There are people who believe that you choose your own death, consciously or unconsciously. And there lots of examples of leaders, eg. Who hinted of their own death - JFK, John Lennon, etc.John Lennon has been quoted as saying: “I'll probably be popped off by some loony“ when he was still a Beatle in the 60s. If you're familiar with Beatles, then there is a line in Lennon's "Come Together" that goes "Shoot me!

" which is sprinkled generously throughout the song. Not to mention that he fired his bodyguard 3 weeks before he died. :).

I don't think it's unreasonable that people know when they are dying. I think the elderly are more aware of when they are going to die. Younger people have more of a feeling of immortality.

I think people know when their body is not right and whether it may be an illness or death they will know beforehand even if it's not something they can vocalise. I have known elderly people who spend hours staring at the corner of the room where the ceiling meets the wall and who then begin to start mentioning their deceased other half. I think that's a sign from them that they feel they are dying or that death is near.

However, I do also know someone who had been diagnosed with a fatal illness but who didn't tell anyone about it, they just quietly went about wrapping up their affairs and making sure there were no loose ends and then appeared to die suddenly, it was only later it was found out that they'd been diagnosed with untreatable cancer months before.

Yes ,I believe that some people may not at the time know that it's their upcoming death that is drawing them to ,take care of unfinished business be it personal or other wise. I had a cousin who at the age of 19 was killed in a accident. Weeks before that he had done things he had been putting off.

Going to spend the weekend with his Grandma and going to Sunday Church services with her. Spending time with a friend that had was going to move out of state. There were a few more things of that URL1 makes a person stop and think.

There is a higher power than yourself.

I've heard of this happening in war. I think God tries to prepare us before he takes us back. Part of that is the release of Dimethyltriptamine (DMT), a psychedelic at least 10 times stronger than LSD.

From personal observation and research can only come to the conclusion that somehow the sub-conscious knows, and at least in some cases transmits this to the consciousness.

I do not know the answer to this question because none of the ones who had died ever came back to tell the story. The funny thing about dying is that almost everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.

Of course. My neighbor;s life's boyfriend sure enoug did. They were broken up for about 3-6 months.

She hadn't heard from him but heard that he was drinking heavily. He showed up at her door and didn't leave until he left one night in the ambulance. I thought he'd been drinking but when I spoke to my neighbor she said that he'd died.My mouth dropped to the floor.

She said he'd been sick and never told her anything. But she knew something was wrong. Her house was always immaculant but he was on a damn cleaning spree.

Washing every piece of clothing aroung the house. Tidied up their spare room; changed sheets, dusted vaccuumed mopped, brought new curtains and a comforter set. Fixed every thing even half broken.

Did the things she'd been asking from him for months; all the manly things, because she was an iddy biddy something. She asked him what the matter was but he still refused to share. Right before bedtime he was wandering around the livingroom aimlessly.

Opening doors and walking in closets, he was incoherent. She sat him down and he asked her to take him to their bedroom to lay down and she abiliged. But it was only to retrieve a large manilla envelope.

"Open later. " He said in Spanish. He stumbled back to the livingroom and sat in her favorite chair.

Not his but her favorite chair and fell asleep. About an hour later he was stumbling in the living room she heard doors shutting and opening. She came into the living room and said, "You been drinking/ What's wrong with you?

" He said nothing just kept stumbling around. She talked to him but he just mumbled over her. She knew something was gravly wrong.

She felt him and he was burning up. She called the ambulance. I heard her yelling at him to calm down and to let the men helphim.

I peeked out of the door. To be completely honest I was being that nosy neighbor you just hate to death. Peeking through a slight opening in her door.

I saw him figting off the paramedics. I shook my head and went back in my apartment. I talked so badly about him and his drunken behavior, but that next day or so when I asked about him she said, "Jose died that night Felisha.

" My mouth hit the floor. "From alcohol poison?" She laughed and said, "No mama, he had cancer and never told me.

Situation dictates. I'm sure that everyone knows death is imminent at least for a fraction of a second. Of course, knowing days or weeks in advance is honestly quite incredible.

I'm sure the meta-physical types will be able to shed some light on this.

I think they start getting some hint even though they do not want to die. I lost my Dad from Prostrate Cancer. He had a great desire to live and always asked the doctor for some medicine which could prolong his life but, when as the D-day was nearing he started to settle in emotionally and even uttered words such as he is not gonna be around for so and so event, which made us very upset and confused since, he had a great desire to live.

Little did we realize that we should accept it just as he has. On the above note, all I can say is Thank You to that superficial power which hints us and makes us settle in for the D-Day so that we give in to it with peace.

When my father was in hospital with emphysema, he suddenly shot up in his hospital bed and pointed to the spce in front of him looking at me smiling. I asked him what he was looking at, I even went to the wall to see if there was something he was pointing to on there, but he kept shaking his head and kept pointing to the same place. He was insistant that something or someone was there and he was pleased to see whatever or whoever it was.

Moments later he passed away. To this day I honestly beleiev he was pointing to a loved one possibly my mother who came to take him away from his pain.

No, not usually. If you're going to be hit by a bus, then move. If you knew the bus was coming an hour beforehand.

You wouldn't be splattered on the windshield.

Yes, many people have known that their death was imminent. There really is no explanation across the board for this. But there are cases, of course, when fatal diseases take lives, and in these cases the persons fade away with the knowledge of their own deaths occurring.

Some of them actually hold on until that last family member has arrived to say goodbye, and then let go.

My wife's dad passed away 12/26/79. My wife had spent Christmas day at her parents' and when it was time to leave that night, her dad pleaded and pleaded for her to stay the night. She said the look on his face was desperate.

She had not brought enough things for her 9 month old to be able to stay the night. On her way back home, a good hour from her parents' house, she suddenly "knew" she would never see him again. The next night he died.

The entire family feels that he knew he was going to die, just as she knew she would never see him again. He died in a car accident.

The night before my grandmother passed away, she told me that she might not be alive for a certain future meeting that we were planning. And the night my grandfather passed away, he said that he was going to pass away that night. Sometimes it seems that people know somehow.At the time, we told them that of course they would be alive, but it turned out that they actually did pass away.

I do believe that most are just coincidences. Those who have strong faith and have some spiritual value may at some point can tell they're about to die but the purpose of increasing others rather than showing off their abilities.

I would say yes if it were someone elderly and of ill health, I would say yes if it is someone in a 747 plummeting from 20,000 feet in a plane crash, guess it would depend on the situation. I'm not one to think that any healthy person sitting in their living room would get a premonition that they will die tomorrow at noon, Know what I mean?

I can say yes. My fiance, paralyzed and on life support for 3 years often said he was going to die, was dying etc. The last few weeks of his life, again, he was acting funny, and the things he said and dead, looking back I know why now. But, one particular night, he had me up all night long, crying, telling me he was dying, was going to die etc. He refused to go to hospital.

He had told me once before, he would never die in hospital, he was going to die at home. Within hours of my lying down, I was woke up by his vent alarms. I called 911, started CPR, etc. Michael had passed away.No physical signs of anything wrong.

But he said, I am dying, I won't be here......

I heard the owl call my name" old Alaskan Indian tradition portrayed by actor Rodney McDowell in a made for TV movie by the same name; don`t remember the year of its airing though.

People who think they are going to die are MORE LIKELY TO. Thus, it does no one any good to believe they will ever die. There are groups who convince people that they will die.

I've been told I had x days to live and I've outlived these weasels' predictions. Some dufus said I had a month to I buy it? Heck no!

If you speak of dying from an illness or natural death, yes I think they do. My first wife had leukemia. They gave her two years to live but she lived 6 years.

HOWEVER, a few days before the end of her life she wanted to have serious conversations about the afterlife. What I told her is not relevant to this conversation and I am happy to share it if someone really wants to know The night before she died she was in exceptional spirits. She handed me several cards she had written for people including her father's birthday two days from that night.

Eight hours later she went downhill rapidly passing away by morning. When everyone opened their cards later they were shocked at her words, including her father... she told him "I won't be here for your birthday..." So yes however it happens they know somehow, someway...that the end is now.

It depends. I reckon the majority of the time it's a slow decline and only the person in decline would know what's going to happen... But instantaneous deaths occur sometimes - like a sudden heart attack for example, but leading a lifestyle to produce such an attack is quite contradicting...

My Grandmother died when I was 12 of ALS and the day before she passed away (my brother and cousins birthday's) she invited over everyone she knew, from church, from work, family, friends, friends of family and family of the friends. She insisted that we have a huge party at her house, and so we did. Everyone was some what confused, but she was a mega social person anyway so we didn't think anything of it.

Normally she would want people to start leaving at 9 or 10 but that night she wanted people to stay longer. She died the next morning. So yeah, I think people do know when they are going to die.

Funny you mention this. I worked (a long time) ago at a Pallitive Cancer Center and I was amazed at how those dying were at such peace. They had a glow on their face.

They knew they were dying and we at peace with it. THe most striking comment I got from a man who died a few hours after he made this commebt was, "What does it mean when Jesus is washing your feet? " Wow, that was one powerful statement!

He died with a smile on his face by the way.

Some people see premonitions, and there have been cases where people have pre determined their early demise how they do this is another question though.

I think that some people receive a gift from God and they realize they are going to die. I do not think this is always the case but sometimes one has a special insight.

I do not think that people do know about when they will die. I f anybody ever knew about when he will die,he would have said something about it to others. But it is possible that God wants to put such ideas in their mind as asking forgiveness from close relatives, or telling them about their will etc.

I believe so.. Someone I knew in Indonesia, died in hospital after having an accident. A couple of hours before his death he called up a few friends and told them that "they" are coming to take me. Nobody understood what he meant at first and thought that the sedatives are taking over him.

But later upon his death they realised what he meant..

My friend came to visit me about a week before he died. This wasn't too unusual. Although I lived a couple of small towns away from him, we still visited every few months.

He often wore a fringed leather jacket. On this day, as he turned to walk away after we said our goodbye's at my door, a soft light radiated from his head and shoulders. I thought to myself, 'He looks like an Angel'.

He died about a week after that visit. I realised then, that even if we are not aware on a conscious level, the Universe knows when our time is up. In speaking with many friends after his death, I learned he had stopped in unexpectedly to say hi to many of them in the couple of weeks preceding his departure from the planet.

Perhaps he had a premonition of his death.

This is interesting. I think it'd be helpful to know so you can take care of everything, but not so helpful because I'd be so sad. I think it varies from person to person.

No way! Unless some medical conditions, emergency conditions, or something that makes us sure that we won't be able to survive anymore.

Yes soul prepered mind and body for big Transformation called death! This is mine idea of course!

It depends on the person. Some people are more spiritual or sensitive to these things. Here are a couple of examples why I believe this...I knew a female minister who's very obese husband suddenly died of a heart attack.

She said to me, "I don't understand why God didn't show us he was going to die. " - I then wondered how she couldn't see that her obviously unhealthy husband probably WOULD die young. Some people are in denial about it, but I'm learning that when something seems "obvious", then I should look more directly at it.

The other example is my husband's father whom we called "Tatko". My husband is a very spiritually sensitive person and two months before his father died, he dreamed that his deceased brother came to get him. We both knew that this was a sign that Tatko wasn't going to be with us much longer.

I told my husband, "I've got to tell Tatko how much I love him and how much he has meant to me. " My husband went to see him and spend time with him and on my last phone conversation with him I told him how much I appreciated him. S reaction was interesting.

I could tell he felt uncomfortable and I believe he realized that I was saying good-bye. He was also in denial as he was an athiest.

I guess there are some but not all. We can see that many people end their lives due to car accident or unexpected shot by others. There are some who dream about their death right before their die.It seems that there are some people who know that they are going to die soon from their dreams or others alike.

In the Bible,it seems that Paul knows that he is going to die soon when he wrote letters to timothy. However, he did not mention the exact hour and days. Some one may know in advance before he dies that he is going to die, however, I don't think that he knows exactly the hour of his death before he dies.

That may be God's secret for all human being , in fact for a our good..

I assume she did not take her own life. However, I think it is possible for knowledge of impending life's end without that. Sometimes despair might be at fault.

A writer in the Bible predicted he soon would die - opining that it was far better for him to go into Jesus' presence, but more profitable for those he was writing to, that he remain. He was "torn". When folks retire, if they are not forward looking and just vegetate, often are candidates for the cemetery - in that they no longer have spark.

That's statistically true, though I haven't that stat at my fingertips. Those who come to know this, for whatever reason, have been given a gift: They may make peace with God through Jesus Christ. Not an option on the other side.

But it should be added: If we breath, we have a purpose or reason for it. God preserves our life, until we have walked our walk in full. Never should despair of purpose trouble us, and trusting God's purposes for life is far better.

This is a great question, and all of these comments have been a great read! I myself have never had any experiences such as some of the ones described, however I do believe that some people can feel that their death is near.

Well I nkow 2 people peronally who witnessed their own death in dreams , my brother , my childrens father , they say abraham lincon saw his own death so my answer would be yes it is possible.

Yes and no. Some people know when they are going to die, and some people just don't. It's luck of the draw I suppose.

Now, depending on how soon they are to death, then it probably depends. But I remember my Mom telling me a story about one such instance. My Grandfather used to own and operate a bar.

There was a man, whose name I cannot recall, who was a daily regular at my Grandfathers bar, he was fairly old, well, past middle age anyways. One day, whilst he was drinking, he called out "I'm going Mike (my Grandfather's name), I'm going..." And my Grandfather asked, "Where, where are you going, you just got here. " And the man collapsed, and died, right on the spot.

Sometimes. But not allways. Amd know is a bit to relative of a term for the answer.

None knows it. This is with the people with fear of death, who relate every thing with it,after all that is the ultimate and every one has to go. So I say-' even if you believe that this is going to be your last day',try to face it with courage and you will live to see another day,after all you would not be there to say-'see I said so'.

When I had my heart attack I thought I was going to die, it was like I was drowning but luckily I survived. So my reply has to be no you don't.

I think they might get to know just before the time.

Depending on the siuation I think many people have the ability to give up on living should they feel that they no longer serve purpose on this earth.

Before the death people cannot see self face in mirror it means if they can’t see their face in mirror than they have very small time left on earth.

Yes, Majority. I mean many people knows before dying that they are going to die. It happens a lot time, if not in their senses or they are not able to catch, but something happened, something spoken to them or from them occursLike, with my GrandMa, She was taking to the Doctor for her check-up and serious diagnostic in her leg so before going while sitting in car she said, let me see my house briefly, and she had a hard, rare, long look all over to the outside house, gate, walls everywhere and said.

Now alright, take me to car. I don't know I will come back or not. And that was her last step out from the house, she remained in hospital for next 17 days and died there.

Its something serious, there is many incidents, happenings and memories I have with me with other people also. Its going painful for me, Ciao.

Ya may be. But most of us can't predict when death comes. Death coming unexpectedly.

For those who believe such things, many budhists and priests believe that when you are dying, or nearing the end of your life, an angel comes to help you pass on. To ease your suffering or to help you. If such things do exist maybe people who are nearing death can sense their presence, My Grandmother died almost 10 years ago from a long bout of uncontrolled caner, so even though she knew from results and things alike that she didn't have much time left, it seemed like she knew what was waiting for her on the other side.

And she seemed to know as the hours drew closer that she was going to die. With no visible change to her stats or pain, she just felt that it was coming.

I remember many years ago I was hanging out with two friends and one of my friends stepped out for a moment. Out of nowhere my other friend began to ask me if I've ever thought about what it would be like if I died. I thought it was a strange thing to bring up but I just answered him by saying that those thoughts don't really cross my mind or they rarely do.

He began talking about it more and expressing that he's been thinking about it lately and that he didn't know why. He said that sometimes he wondered what it felt like or thought it would happen to him sooner than expected. I told him not to think this way because we were young.

He continued to express that he felt he would die soon and he didn't know why he felt this way. At that time, we were only about 19 or so. He talked about it some more but we didn't get too deep into the conversation when my other friend came back.

The very next day, he was walking down the street and someone shot and killed him. No one ever found out who did it or why. But the first thing that raced back to my mind is the conversation we had.It was as if he sensed he would die.

It was strange.

I think some do and others don't. If you are sick and suffering with a terminal illness yes but people that have sudden death collasping no, also instant death in car accidents or something like being shot with a stray bullet no.

Yeah, I also think that some people know when they are going to die. My grandmother told us that she was experiencing great calmness and that knew that her time has come, she also mentioned that she saw some bright light. I have also heard from friend who works at the hospital that on many occasions some people who has done really done some bad things in their lives when they are hours away from their death, they will call out the names of those they have hurt and ask for their forgiveness.

I believe they know when they are going to quit doing things, not necessarily die.

That is a big question , , ,I have to think on it.

A dear friend of mine, who called me his "free shrink", had a nightmare 24 hrs before he died. He said that his father came to him & grabbed at his arm, telling him that he needed him to go, & kept tugging at him, "come on Lee, it's time to go! " Lee told him that he didn't want to go, he wanted to stay w/Linda.

Lee woke up on the morning of Sept. 11, 2011, & told his fiance his nightmare. Then on the morning of Sept.12, 2011, Linda woke up about 3:30am, & saw Lee sitting at his computer playing his FB games. Linda asked him if he's coming to bed soon.

Lee told her that the neighbor's loud music woke him up at 12:30am, as it was blaring thru his walls. He went out to the bathroom & found his nephew walk out of the bathroom w/a belt wrapped tightly around his arm, as he'd just finished shooting up heroine. S nephew could tell that Lee was very upset, & asked him what's wrong.

He told him about the music, & his nephew said he'd talk to the neighbors about it. He said they only turned it down slightly. Then Lee told her that he just wanted to finish up his FB game & then he'd lay "You know, Linda, I really love you!

" & she replied: "I really love you, too, Lee!" Then Linda fell back asleep. She then woke up at 5:30am & found him dead in his chair.

I will ask you a question aoiffe379. ''How do people know that they are going to fall sick? '' There are some symtoms.

Right! So like this there are some simtoms when a person is diying diying like becoming very weak, Feeling pain in the body, Body becoming cold, etc. Only the person is diying will know this answer to your question!

In my opinion they do my cuz recently died a week before he told his mother without me you have no life he said it in a joking way he always laughed and before he died he looked at his phone and smiled then the car hit him he died so young but he lived his life to the fullest he will be missed but never forgotten... you will always be loved I will never forget your smile.

Yes. Firstly because we dream of our deaths far in advance of it actually happening. As we near our time we are made aware subconsciously and for some of us who are in tune with our subconscious; our deaths are made aware to our conscious minds.As I sit still and meditate on my death I can feel approximately how far away it is and I can almost tell you how it will be accomplished.

Elephants have a similar instinct and so do dogs. My uncle sat at a kitchen table and talked about how if he died he would be okay because he knew that his children were taken care of. He would be shot and killed the next evening while attempting to save a toddler from a gun fight that happened in the street.

The toddler survived. Stories of people knowing they were going to die are as old as antiquity. Everybody knows when and where they are going to die.

From the time they are born they know. I read a story of a 5 year old boy who was mangled horribly by two big Rottweilers. They had punctured his neck and he was bleeding profusely.

As his mother held him in her arms he said to her "mommy I know I'm dieing but I want to know that I love you. "My grandfather called my dad up; he very rarely called my dad so it was a pleasant surprise.My grandfather was a man of few words. The jist of the conversation as my father would later tell me was that my grandfather had said he really missed my dad and he wished he could see him.

My grandfather would die of a massive heart attack 4 days later.My father told me that he believed my grandfather knew he was going to die and the phone call was my grandfathers way of saying I'm not going to see you anymore but I love you; goodbye. Coincidentally my grandfather had told my father years before that he knew that when he died that he would die standing on his feet. My grandfather suffered a massive heart attack while standing at a billiard table playing pool.

I imagine I have this same "gift"? I think all human beings know when they are going to die.

I have to agree with everyone else, people will know when they are due to die, every one knows when their time is.

I believe that people do know when there time is coming. My Grandmother died of pancreatic cancer, on her last two weeks she told me that her parents were here to take her home. She told me they were in the room with us.

Next thing I knew she was speaking in Italian and crying. It was terribly sad to watch. When my Uncle died, he also told me he was going...He said he loved me and died three days later.

I am a firm believer that people have visions about death.

Well some know and some don't some feel and know some don't they die instantly and for you saddlerider there is hell and heaven so be informed. And grkoo what are you saying?

Absolutely! Since birth we head to death and everyone knows it.

People who have lived truthful lifes,spiritual lifes,a life for the people etc etc all have been known to have known when their time is near. They are one with their natural self as well as one with nature,which takes back everything it gives eventually.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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