Do you agree with Sec of State John Kerry's prediction on public opinion of climate change deniers?

Of course he didn't mean that. Then again, he did mean that. Hmmmmm?

That's what happens when people get tied to their own husbandry (their own way of thinking about science). Life becomes extremely confusing when simple reality and intelligent thinking gets thrown in their faces. It causes them to speak the truth, because they can't avoid it.

What I think is so funny about liberals is that I really believe they know what is true, but they would rather live in chaos and continue the chaos, rather than agree with a conservative viewpoint. Life becomes too simple if they do that. It seems that is very true with many alarmists here at Y/A.

They know the truth, but they'd prefer to let their own scientists tell them science fiction stories in order to keep their chaotic answers valid. That's the life of an "ALARMIST". :-).

A good question. Look at Germany. A class has risen no one has EVER seen.

The electricity/energy poor. Those who can't afford to even flip a light switch. Nuclear power.

Green, cheap, efficient, SAFE, main materials stable, able to be stored and recyclable. France once led they way. Solar power, In space solar power needs no fresh water, no batteries and runs 365/52/24/7.

Needs no cleaning and is transmittable to ground cheaply. Panels outlast the platforms. Least we forget Tesla.

Who would have cringed at seeing a wasteful of resources luxury class electric car named after him. He'd have made a VW Bug that runs on nothing but free transmitted through air power. Yet, liberals take the most expensive ways possible.

Why? Look at Germany. The grand daddy place of elite socialism via Imperial Germany.

If you don't depend on the Reich for electricity? You have a choice. EAT or flip a light switch.

Democrats love that idea.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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