Does anyone have any pictures or blueprints for an outdoor herb garden design Asked by gardenthyme 52 months ago Similar questions: pictures blueprints outdoor herb garden design Home > Patio, Lawn & Garden.
Similar questions: pictures blueprints outdoor herb garden design.
Here is an answer I would send you mine but there isn't much to it. But I am so d@mn proud of it. For the first time in decades, I am having very good success with the herbs.
I am growing sweet basil, organo, rosemary, thyme, and lavendar. I have always said I had a green thumb even though I am a decendent of plantation owners and farmers. Well, now I got it, mostly through accident.
I had researched, I had spoken with other gardners, several mentioned that herbs do not go well in the south because of heat. My few herbs were purchased at a garden center. They had their own container, something I had not done before.
These are the 5 gallon containers, with holes in the bottom. Since all advise said to plant in well drained soil, I cut a few more holes in the containers, and elevated them to get full drainage. I also put a layer of gravel in the bottom, to improve drainage, and to keep from having to fill the thing compleatly up with expensive gardening soil.
That was another new, gardening soil, not planting or potting soil. I don't know the difference. I also added Miracial Grow, you know that green stuff in the box melting in the garage shelf.
Anyway, I saw the plants begin to wilt sitting on the patio. I moved them to behind the shed where they get a good two hours of direct morning light coming in under the cherry tree. Then the sun is blocked by the tree for a couple of hours.
Then full sun for a few hours during the 11 - 1 or 2 time, then the shed completely blocks the hot afternoon sun from reaching the plants. What do you know. Bam they start growing like weeds.
I can't keep them trimed up fast enough even though I take some every day. The four plants produce about a half cup (dry) of fresh ground herbs. I cut the stems and put them in a long box top to hold them on the patio table and let the sun dry them out.
Usualy takes about a day of full sun to get a good dry. Or I use the toster oven on warm setting, about 200 degrees for a few hours. Once dry, I rub the stems and the crush leaves fall off into a plate.
Then I pick out what stems fall in and continue to grind with my fingers. There are products out there that can do this for you, but this is the way they do it in the old country. I mean hey it has worked for centuries.
OR I sometimes just toss the fresh pickings into the sauce or stew and let guest pick out the stems. Adds just a measure of freshness that they don't get in Olive Garden. Hope this helps.
Lay out your garden using my guide lines and do your own thing. Let Amazon know if this is a great or lame answer and vote. Sources: Spartan Caver Says: .
Nice picture to start you off here is a beautiful,20633... set up:
This picture's a little small, but if you zoom it.
A design also forces you to address the growth habits of the herbs you want to plant and give them the amount of space they need to develop. Locate taller herbs in the center of a bed. Stagger shorter ones outward to the border.
Consider using raised beds to define the shape of a planted area and improve soil drainage. Learn more about planning herbal gardens in our award winning gardening book, Herbs: Growing and Using the Plants of Romance.ok........ are there more? Ooohhh Garden (photos)This was begun in 1999, to display aromatic herbs and other plants typically used in cooking and medicine (see Definitions, below).
Two volunteers - Tina Waghorn and Kevin Boyhan - have made looking after it their special project, aided by other volunteers. They do a tremendous job. An important feature of the herb garden is the raised beds.
These are two boxes, made of recycled wood and full of earth. They allow the herbs to be enjoyed by people who can't bend to see or smell plants growing at ground level.and.............................'s the diagram Sources:
Garden Statues" "i want to buy herbs for indoor herb garden. All the online herb nurseries are sold out? Its October 1st.Is there any th" "Don't ask me why, but I chose the Japanese Herb Garden for my next Aerogarden.
Trouble is..." "I have a yellow white fungus spreading in my herb garden and flower garden. " "It's not to early for Garden questions is it? I planted an herb garden in a small garden spot next to my kitchen and" "about my veggie garden...." "Does anyone know how to keep snakes out of your garden?
" "what should I do about bugs on my outdoor dining patio" "What suggestions do you have for getting a puppy to stop eating bark in the garden and digging the lawn? " "Do you do your own garden/lawn work or hire someone else to do it? Any reasoning behind your choice?
I want to buy herbs for indoor herb garden. All the online herb nurseries are sold out? Its October 1st.Is there any th.
Don't ask me why, but I chose the Japanese Herb Garden for my next Aerogarden. Trouble is...
I have a yellow white fungus spreading in my herb garden and flower garden.
I planted an herb garden in a small garden spot next to my kitchen and.
What should I do about bugs on my outdoor dining patio.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.