Does your city have a law against cell phone use while driving in a school zone?

Several suburbs around Dallas have passed this law. I was wondering if it's just a Texas thing. Asked by txteacher 42 months ago Similar questions: city law cell phone driving school zone Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Similar questions: city law cell phone driving school zone.

Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Here is some info... Arizona - School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses. This includes hands-free cell phone use as would be available with a car-kit or headset. Arkansas School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses.

This includes hands-free cell phone use. California Crash data is collected. Rental cars with cell phones have to include safe use instructions.

Colorado Drivers under 18 cannot use a cell phone in any way while driving. This includes hands-free use cell phone use. Connecticut School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses.

This includes hands-free use cell phone use. Delaware Drivers with a graduated licensing permit cant use a cell phone while theyre driving. This includes hands-free cell phone use.

District of Columbia All drivers in D.C. Must use hands free cell phone devices. Voice activation for making calls and using cell phone headsets or car-kits help residents use their cell phones legally while driving. Drivers under 18 cannot use a cell phone while driving, even with a hands-free cell phone accessory like a cell phone headset.

Florida Cell phone use is allowed as long as sound is provided in one ear and the surrounding sound can be heard through the other ear. Using a cell phone headset like a Bluetooth headset that wraps around one ear fits the legal requirements of this law. Many traditional corded headsets cover both ears, which would make them inappropriate for use in a moving vehicle in Florida.

Florida also has preemption laws that prevent local jurisdictions from further restricting cell phone use in cars. Iowa Collects crash data on cell phone use. Illinois School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses.

This includes hands-free cell-phone use. Kentucky Has preemption laws that prevent local jurisdictions from restricting cell phone use in cars. Louisiana Has preemption laws preventing local jurisdictions from limiting cell phone use in cars.

Massachusetts School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses. This includes hands-free cell phone use. For regular vehicles, cell phone use is permitted as long as one hand remains on the steering wheel at all times.In this case, Massachusetts residents should look at cell phone accessories that let them keep one hand on the wheel and still use their cell phones as they drive.

Technically, cell phones with voice activation may be all state residents, since drivers in Massachusetts can hold the cell phone with one hand while driving with their other hand on the wheel. In Brookline, a neighborhood west of Boston, hands-free cell phone devices, such as a car-kit or a headset, are required while driving. Massachusetts also collects crash data regarding cell phone use.

Maine Drivers under 18 with a restricted license may not use a cell phone while driving. This includes hands-free cell phone use. Maryland - Drivers under 18 with a restricted license may not use a cell phone while driving.

This includes hands-free cell phone use. Maryland also collects crash data. Michigan Collects crash data.

Minnesota - Collects crash data. Mississippi - Has preemption laws that prevent local jurisdictions from restricting cell phone use in cars. Montana Collects crash data.

Nebraska Collects crash data. Nevada - Collects crash data. Nevada has preemption laws that prevent local jurisdictions from restricting cell phone use in cars.

New Hampshire State laws fall under a more comprehensive distracted driving law where drivers can be pulled over and ticketed for driving distracted which can include cell phone use. Their laws don't make a distinction between talking on a cell phone in ones hand or using a hands-free cell phone accessory such as a car-kit or a cell phone headset. New Jersey School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses; this includes the use of hands-free cell phone accessories.

For regular vehicles, cell phone use while the car is in motion is not permitted unless one is using hands-free cell phone accessories. This is, however, a secondary law (meaning that the police would have to pull you over for something else and then fine you for your cell phone violation. A motorist is not going to be pulled over just for using a cell phone without cell phone accessories like a car-kit or a cell phone headset).

This means you can use a cell phone headset or car kit with voice activation for dialing and still be legal. Drivers under 21 are not allowed to use cell phones while driving, hands-free or not. Crash data is collected.

New Mexico There are no state wide restrictions on cell phone use in cars. There are local laws restricting cell phone use in cars. Hands-free cell phone accessories must be used while driving a car within Santa Fe.

Car kits and headsets for your cell phone will let city residents use their cell phones legally while driving. New York Crash data is collected. Hands free cell phone accessories must be used while driving.

This includes mobile and factory installed car kits as well as headsets. In NY City, taxicab drivers cant use cell phones at all while on the job. Ohio Hands free cell phone accessories must be used while driving in Brooklyn, Ohio.

Using a headset or a car-kit would keep you legal in this case. For the rest of Ohio, there are no restrictions on the use of cell phones in moving vehicles. Oklahoma Crash data is collected.

The state has preemption laws that prevent local jurisdictions from imposing cell phone use in vehicles. Oregon Crash data is collected. The state has preemption laws that prevent local jurisdictions from imposing cell phone use in vehicles.

Pennsylvania - Crash data is collected. Rhode Island School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses, even with hands-free cell phone accessories like a Bluetooth headset.. Tennessee School bus drivers cant use cell phones while theyre driving school buses, even with hands-free cell phone accessories. Crash data is collected.

Drivers with learner permits may not use a cell phone at all while driving. Texas - Crash data is collected. Utah - Crash data is collected.

Washington - Crash data is collected. * * * Crash Data collected (i.e. Was a cell phone in use when the accident occurred) Restrictions on cell phone use in moving vehicles Preemption Laws (wont allow local laws to place restrictions on cell phone use while driving) Special Provisions for New Drivers (usually in states where regular drivers can use cell phones, drivers with learners permits, for example, are banned from doing the same thing).

* * Sources: .

1 No--but, starting July 1st here in California, all vehicle operators will no longer legally be allowed to use hand-held cell phones while driving, and will pay a fine if caught. Sadly, it's been proven that even hands-free cellphones are distracting enough to cause accidents, so I don't know of how much aid our new law will be. This user has been banned from Askville.

1 No--but, starting July 1st here in California, all vehicle operators will no longer legally be allowed to use hand-held cell phones while driving, and will pay a fine if caught. Sadly, it's been proven that even hands-free cellphones are distracting enough to cause accidents, so I don't know of how much aid our new law will be.

No--but, starting July 1st here in California, all vehicle operators will no longer legally be allowed to use hand-held cell phones while driving, and will pay a fine if caught. Sadly, it's been proven that even hands-free cellphones are distracting enough to cause accidents, so I don't know of how much aid our new law will be.

2 At least Texans are interested in trying to children. I guess away from schools, it's every man for himself.

At least Texans are interested in trying to children. I guess away from schools, it's every man for himself.

3 No, but I'll propose it to the city council. Sounds good to me.

No, but I'll propose it to the city council. Sounds good to me.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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