Oh Lord. I was having a business dinner in the owner's box at Happy Valley Racetrack in Hong Kong (I do not own a horse--the client did). As a dish came around the "Lazy Susan," I took some.
I commented that it was good. Without flinching, knowing full well we were American (and herself having a daughter in Ohio), our host's wife said "Yes, we got the dog just for you. " As I pushed my plate away, she said, "No, no, no, no, no.
Just kidding. We got pork. " Did they?
Who the hell knows? I don't speak Cantonese. Besides, it was 8 years ago.It's now a funny story.
Wok this way...Wok the dog.
I think I’ll go for the monkey on this one because I’m a dog owner. And I really love my dogs. On the other hand, you are right….
It’s strange to eat something that looks like you; however, I think it depends on what kind of money we are talking about. :))) Because you see…a gorilla is a big monkey and I can’t see myself eating something bigger than a sheep, all by myself. But a chimp is smaller and more eatable....right?
:)))? It’s also important how you want to cook them since I don’t think that a boiled monkey looks good. :))) Not to mention a dog...:))))
Well theonly way I would eat either is if I was stranded somewhere and starving. It would have to be a life or death situation so I wouldn't care at that point which one it was.
I would probably choose dog meat, since monkeys are closer to us in DNA/genes and can be the vectors of contagious and sometimes life-threatening infections diseases. Monkeys residing in the jungles of exotic destinations are many times the sources of infectious diseases, particularly viruses, that can be spread to humans and threaten mental and physical health significantly. In some areas, monkeys are actually consumed by humans as regular parts of meals, and in some cases, disease outbreaks were notable, especially when certain parts of the monkey (that were likely somewhat undercooked) were consumed, such as the brain.
I would be a bit more skeptical of the monkey meat than the dog meat. However, being a dog owner myself, it would be very hard to actually convince myself to actually eat the meat. I think I would not agree to such an unappetizing meal unless I was being physically forced or threatened in some way.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.