For the first time in years, more Americans than not say the country is headed in the right direction?

The American people are experience Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) made worse by COGNITIVE DISSONANCE that is an AFTERMATH of an eight-year diet of right-wing propaganda selling us a con-job "bill o' goods" on FAILED TRICKLE-DOWN/DEREGULATION policies (Brock, 2004). The United States needs to rebuild its outsourced-by-GOP manufacturing base. This is in the process of being done with the alternative-energy initiatives that now have projects or plants operating in at least 40 of the 50 states, with more in the planning stage.

The cult-evangelically-driven right-wing Republicans have worked very hard since the 1980s to DIVIDE this nation for the purpose of staging a THEOCRATIC COUP from INSIDE our political system---local, state, and federal (Goldberg, 2006; Sharlet, 2008), and their ultimate goal has been WORLD DOMINANCE (see the websites for their cancerous cells that go by innocuous-seeming names: Washingon D.C.'s The Family, Youth With A Mission, YWAM, The Federation, The Foundation, or Virginia cult-leader Michael Farris's Generation Joshua, to name a few in this dangerously spread psycho-Christian cult). Voters thwarted this takeover attempt in 2006 and again in the 2008 elections, but their political and media (Faux news is a member) power is IMMENSE (they host the "National Prayer Breakfast" each year in Washington). If we can keep these extremists (more harmful to the U.S. than the Taliban or al-Q'aeda) out of power for a while and let their Pat-Robertson/Rupert-Murdoch/Newt-Gingri... of fanaticism fizzle, this nation will once more be a true MELTING POT wherein its citizens are NOT divided against each other and where the Constitutional separation of powers, separation of church and state, freedom of religion, and our Bill of Rights are once more enforced...then I'd say we are heading in the CORRECT (not "right-wing") direction.

Democrats have succeeded in paying down our HUGE deficit by 8%---let's stay on THAT sound fiscal path! Democrats have put consumer protections back into place for the insurance industry, Wall Street, Fannie and Freddie, banks, and credit card companies---let's stay on THAT path as well. Government OVERSIGHT has been returned under the Democrats to reverse the damages of the GOP's DEREGULATION that brought this nation to let's keep this oversight in palce, too.

President Obama has CUT SPENDING and has plans to keep on cutting until our National Debt is under control...yet another fiscally sound path for the U.S. to take. President Obama imposed a tariff on China's tire imports (a baby step I know for the massive trade deficits that were allowed under GOP totalitarianism, but at least a step in the CORRECT direction) so that our own tire manufacturers would have a more level playing field. The Obama administration (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) convinced China to stop manipulating their currency to the detriment of the American dollar, and also convinced China to open their markets to more American-made exports (i.e.

, the alternative-energy technologies that the president has been pushing us to take the lead on making, if the Republicans would stop blocking the effort)---both very positive steps toward getting us back to prosperity and strength. If we use the Constitution as our base, and make use of RATIONAL MODERATION in all things (we each have rights as long as those rights do not interfere with the rights of others), and we restore the yin-yang balance between capitalism and socialism that has served us so very well since our first days as a nation, and we eliminate the CULT-Christian fanaticism from our political system by voting them OUT of office at every single level where they have infested like a computer virus (our school boards, city councils, on up through state and federal offices) and by having MODERATE or CENTRIST REPUBLICANS (if any are still around) WREST CONTROL OF THE GOP away from these religious nuts, then maybe...just maybe we might rest long enough to say that our nation is heading toward unity, strength, and prosperity...the right direction for us all.

America (US) has a desperate need of a new way to look at its economics. We cant continue to trust the present economical system (capitalism), it must be abolished an a new form of handling industries and finance's must be brought forth. A socialistic form of economic sustenance is an ideal position to start from.

We can and we will, get ready is coming soon to a bank near you.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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