Four new poems ,105 old,everybody reads the four and ignores the rest ...whats up with that?

It is very hard to get people to read poetry I have found. For some reason they approach it like they know it is going to put them to sleep or something. I have several notebooks of poems I have written over the years, many of them are very good, but I have only posted about four of them for this very reason.

My sweet Jami, don't let it worry your soul. I have written so many and don't expect others to read them all, I am happy that at least they read the last four. Having said that my gem, you deserve reading, Don't fret they will be read in time.

I apologize for my tardiness.

Ohh and all this time I thought maybe my work sucked , thanks for that! Ddsurfsca , I appreciate the answer :).

Sometimes they don't read the rest because if they are like me, the interest fades if I don't see the whole picture of what the author is trying to say. And other times maybe it is just they like to read a few and leave it go at that.

I wrote hubs about other subjects and built a little following, then I started injecting my poetry (Tatoetry is what I call it), but another thing that might help is to tweet and post of FB and +1 on occasion. Doing that can sometimes respark interest.

I share in your frustration. I write almost exclusivly poetry, it's what moves me. I have 3 poems with under 10 total views, 8 under 20.

I understand that I've only been at this a short while, but I thought I would get more traffic than that. Basically if it does well in the first few days it will get up there a bit, but if not it gets ignored for eternity. Sad.

If the poem can represent my feelings at the time, then I'll read it over and over again, if not then I ignore. Perhaps because I am not an observer of poetry, but the target of the poem. I couldn't ignore Misty Rain.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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