Have you ever been called to jury duty? Did you like it or hate it and why? I've always wanted to be on jury duty but have never been called?

I served on a jury once. I loved it! Of course, back then I had a job that paid me for jury duty.

I also loved it because it was so interesting! Both the attorneys brought in experts, and they cross examined each other's experts. It was way better than a court TV show!

The only thing was, it was frustrating because jurors cannot ask questions during the proceedings. The case that I was on only took a week, so that was good. I don't think I would have liked being on one of those trials that drag on for months.My job would only have paid me for two weeks of it, for one thing.

For another, it probably would have gotten boring after a few weeks. But yeah, I loved serving jury duty for the one week.It was interesting and fun.

I have yet to be called for Jury duty. I have gotten the letters in the mail, but I have never been called. I went through the proper procedure to be chosen, but It has been years since I've seen a letter from them.

I've been called for jury selection, but the defendant and/or their legal team decided they didn't want me as a jury member. I dressed in an extremely professional manner in order to look like I'd be unsympathetic to the defendant. It seems like it worked; they quickly eliminated me and I got to go home.

I wouldn't mind sitting on the jury panel once if it was a simple trial, but these things have a way of getting complex and really becoming a drain on your time. However, I probably won't be called again for at least another couple of years.

I've been called in three times, but my number was always above 250, so I never even showed up. They usually pick a jury out of the first 100 people.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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