How are the Occupy Wall Street protesters not like the Tea Party?

As a generalization:Younger. Stronger (more stamina). Can spell better.Diverse.

Appear to be having fun.Respectful.

They are not predominately male, white and past middle age. They are a diverse cross section of the populace so they are bad people. We all know that anyone who doesn't agree with Tea Party politics is a dirty commie.

We also know that multiculturalism is a very bad thing and this group is mixed; it's multicultural -- a collection of the multicultural Americans; therefore, bad. Some members of Occupy Wall Street have been laid off, the companies they worked for have gone under and/or they don't have medical insurance; they may well have been making over 100K per year a few months ago but now they are bums on the dole. They have lost their right to call themselves Americans.

Some members of Occupy Wall Street are retirement age but have lost their pensions or 501K's or both - that means they have lost their financial security -- that makes them bums who need social security and really need Medicare. Bums on the dole. Some members of Occupy Wall Street have jobs and are financially secure but are voicing their disapproval of how Wall Street has effected the world economy through its greed and corruption following deregulation.

These are communists who hate America and are determined to bring it down. Some members of Occupy Wall Street are graduated college students who cannot find work. They need a job and a start.

They are bums looking for a free ride. They should join the military but they have not. They are trying to destroy America.

ROCK says the Tea Party is for smaller government. Well the Fed. Government grew historically under the Cheney/Bush regime and Romney's handles are all Bush administration veterans.

The tea party is for smaller government and the wall street mob is for communism.

Yeah. Strong like Ruskies! Rhine44 29 days ago .

They are not carrying signs showing Obama in white face with red lips or mustache like Also, protesters are complaining about the inequities of Wall Street not Washington.

I'd call it a 'velvet revolution. ' rhine44 29 days ago .

IQ, but I am not sure which group has the highest.

Neither party has enough common sense to change a light bulb. Rhine44 29 days ago .

They get arrestedThey are more violentThey don't clean up after themselvesTheir goals are incoherentThey are disrespectfulTheir demands are ridiculous .

Well, grassroots revolutions are hardly ever neat and tidy. Rhine44 29 days ago .

Some of the things at least some of them have stated, in writing, what they stand for:Raise minimum wage to $20/hrLiveable wage regardless of employment status. Free CollegeBan private insurance companiesBegin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand. One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants. Racial and gender equal rights amendment. Open borders migration.

Anyone can travel anywhere to work and live. Outlaw all credit reporting agencies. And my favorite:Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all.

Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books. ” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.”

And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period. There is more but I think this shows the difference between The TEA Party and the OWLies. yeah, they stink, are using drugs, are unsanitary and leave their garbage for others to pick up.

They fight police and crap on cop cars. It looks like an urban, modern day Woodstock. Com/2011/10/07/occupy-wall-street-why-i-must-be-stupid.

Easy! They are smnart, read above the 4th grade level and make an effort to inform themselves. Need more differences?

It seems rational thinking plays no part in the divisions between us.

I could never figure that one out either. Rhine44 29 days ago .

Well, I've been to a lot of TEA Party gatherings......never seen anyone there doing what this guy is doing.... jpg.

Or leaving the place in the mess that these protesters are.... jpg.

In short, I find a lot of ways that the TEA Party and Occupy Wall Street differ....... com/2011/10/07/anti-semitism-at-occupy-wall-street.

They may differ, but both have been affected by Wall Street. Rhine44 29 days ago .

I agree that we all have been affected by Wall Street but we have also all been affected by the increasing size of the Federal Govt.

I won't argue with you on that one. There is an enormous amount of redundancy within the Federal Government which needs to be reduced. As the saying goes, too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

Rhine44 28 days ago .

I absolutely agree...the problem (as I see it) is that the chiefs keep the Indians all worked up over a few issues while they work behind our backs to serve their own agendas...this goes for both left and right chiefs, btw.

...and there's more of them than there are conservatives. Rhine44 29 days ago .

There have always been homeless people in NYC. The Bowery etc. It has a Skid Row as do all major and now even smaller cities in the US>Did anyone find out if the guy relieving himself in the street had anything to do with the protest? I'm just wondersing since I've seen this a thousand times I my life and not limited to protests.

I can find a lot of nasty pictures online of Tea Party types. I think most there are without resources but did our Revolutionary soldiers always have bathrooms at hand in battle fields? They had to stay and fight.

These people have to stay and gain numbers to be heard and counted over the Tea Part voices. These people know that unless they do this, and it's obviously a real inconvenience, the media will continue to ignore those who want the ultra rich and corporations to pay their taxes and help in times of economic strife. Some of the responses here are knee jerk reactions and not thought out in the least.

Well, if you care to make a contribution we would be happy to listen. Most of the 'knee jerk' reactions you refer to are due solely from the news we get through the media. So, if you have any concrete, first hand observations please share them.

Rhine44 28 days ago .

I just made an observation. Whether it comes from a new agency or not, we do not know if that person was an OWS protester. Nobody took the time to ask for information or check him out after the fact did they?

I amuses me that conservatives claim the tents are empty at night and, at the same time, complain OWS people are dirty, "hippies" which is ridiculous, and defecating in the streets. What's wrong with going home to take a shower and inviting other protesters to clean up and take care of their needs and return? .

Bring Your Guns To Washington Rally! April 19, 2010 com/watch? V=pNHZNYoy5tk.

Tea Party- Liars, Guns And Money. Mpg com/watch? V=Utm3ge1SH1Q.

Tea Party Gun Strut; Hudson, Wisconsin Oct 22-2011. Divx com/watch? V=B9j_rItklD8.

Teabagger Violence Mars Tax Day Rally With Sen. Marco Rubio com/watch? V=d4BU8pfz2O4.

GOP: Stop Inciting Tea Party VIOLENCE! Com/watch? V=Nr-0088ZLno.

Tea Party Violence Caught on Tape! Com/watch? V=zhGTEdv8njM.

Less than 90 days after Inauguration (90 Days! ) begin recreating a Nazi uprising to over-throw the US government led by Prescott Bush in the 1930s. (Must See) WARNING MUNICIPAL LEADERS: "Tea Parties" plan VIOLENCE against "HOST" CITIES.

HERE'S THE PROOF: PART 2 of 2. Republican leader tries to snuff out a camera lens com/watch? V=d4BU8pfz2O4.

The members of the T.E.A. Party are protesting abuse of THEIR OWN money. The O.W.S.Protesters are all about other people's money (i.e. , they haven't any of their own.) .

Perhaps the O.W. S would actually like to get back some of the money that the Wall Streeters lost for them, including those of the Tea Party. Rhine44 28 days ago .

On Wednesday night’s The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart turned to the Occupy Wall Street protests, explaining that the media’s coverage as gone from “blackout” to its only other setting, “circus,” as reporters from “from all the major networks… and CNN” have made their way down to the live-in demonstration. He looked at some of the media’s coverage of the protests, most notably Ann Coulter‘s assessment that with “slight modification,” the protesters’ message could have very well come from German Nazis. How, he asked, could they be both a disorganized band of hippies, as much of the media would have as believe, and like a highly-organized, well-trained representation of totalitarian ideology?

…And that group was the Tea Party, back in 2009. And his thoughts on the protesters today? According a clip from October 3rd, they “hate corporations, they hate capitalism, and in the end, ultimately, they want statism over free markets.

So they really don’t like freedom.” I don’t get it! Here’s a group of Americans, disenchanted, railing against big government bailouts, angry because they played by the rules, worked hard, now they’re in debt from student loans and they’re unemployed… I mean, look, if this thing turns into throwing trash cans into Starbucks windows, nobody’s going to be down with that.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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