Why is FOX News demonizing the Occupy Wall Street Protesters when they Praised the Tea Party?

There are some serious differences between the Occupy Wall Street Movement and the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party began with supporters of Ron Paul. It was an anti-tax movement, TEA standing for Taxed Enough Already.

The Republican Party saw the movement could be useful to them so they co-opted it. They flooded it with corproate/Republican money, they built it up and promoted it on Fox News and other Republican 'news' outlets. And they changed the whole thrust of the movement from an anti-tax movement to a We Hate Obama movement.

They were just looking to exploit peoples' anger. There's a lot of anger out there! The Occupy Wall Street Movement was not top-down like the Tea Party, it was a bottom-up movement.

The Tea Party Movement was 'astroturf', fake grass roots. The Occupy Wall Street movement is bottom-up, real grass roots. The Tea Party brought the Republicans big gains in the 2010 election.

But notice how all the Tea Party candidates, once in office, turned out to be business-as-usual Republicans, something that should surpise nobody. The Occupy Wall Street movement is truly non-partisan, because it doesn't 'belong' to one party, it isn't funded and promoted by one party. The Republican Party has decided the Tea Party no longer suits their agenda, so they've stopped funding and promoting it.

So the whole movement is in decline. The last few rallies only saw a hundred or so people show up. The Occupy Wall Street movement, well nobody knows where it will go, but it doesn't depend on leaders or funding.

The Tea Party had a strong, coherent message that its leaders were promulgating through the rank and file. The Occupy Wall Street movement doesn't depend on leaders so the message is more muddled, it means different things to different participants.

They're not a front for the Democratic Party. There's not a single occupier who said that Barack Obama is anything other than another political tool of the moneyed class. There's also a critical distinction between OWS and the Wisconsin rebellion.

The Wisconsin thing was shut down out of subordination to the Democratic Party and the union bosses. They got co-opted. This is different.

It’s about the whole system, which is run by and for the rich whether they’ve got Republicans or Democrats out front.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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