That's a good idea. I had forgotten about that. Thanks!
TessieJo 3 months ago .
You are welcome. My wife's mother is 91 and does it three times a week. She is still moving around.
She also has friends she meets at the exercises.
Good ideas! I like the three minutes extra thing. I wondered how to increase.
The guacamole sounds wonderful, also! Thank you! TessieJo 3 months ago .
Welcome, I have 3 fusions in my spine and am on oxycodene in a dose that keeps me in the house most of the time. So keeping my weight below 120 is a job.......good luck.
Switch your diet to legumes and citrus (not entirely, but a serving a day) as those two will give you your proteins and vitamins while counteracting each other's effect on the intestines. Cook them up together and their low (or no) calories.
Wow. Never heard of that combo. Care to give me an examle of what two to combine?
I'm clueless on this one! TessieJo 3 months ago .
You might google: Isometrics Isometrics use tension and relaxation to exercise the muscles. There are a variety of isometric exercises that can be done sitting down, and they do burn calories.
I haven't heard of that before. I'll look that up. Thanks!
TessieJo 3 months ago .
Carefully pick your food, once a day give yourself something you like, but in moderation. Take your vitamins, do as much exercise as you can and each day do 3 minutes more than the day before. You can do it,.
Drink green tea (flavored) peach is mine, with Ice in it instead of soft drinks loaded with sugar. Make a list of all the food you really like , strike all you could live without and add salads.... I love Taco shells with lettuce, tomato chives and "Wholly Guacamole" topped with a little sour cream and a sprinkle of Shredded cheese. Taste wonderful, and won't cause spread at the hips.
Good ideas! I like the three minutes extra thing. I wondered how to increase.
The guacamole sounds wonderful, also! Thank you! GrapiteLover 49 months ago.
You might google: Isometrics Isometrics use tension and relaxation to exercise the muscles. There are a variety of isometric exercises that can be done sitting down, and they do burn calories. Skylight 54 months ago.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.