To be honest, I wouldn't go for any of the big entertainment companies like SM, JYP, YG. Their artists schedules are the most demanding, and those companies are also the most strict. SM especially.
If you are late or miss an event, they will fine you. (Look at the case of Hang Geng from Super Junior sueing SM). While you would have to go to Seoul to audition for others - I would rather go to Starship Entertainment, Pledis, Cube.
2. Well, yes, you can still get in. Victoria Song from f(x) is 24 years old right now and was scouted by SM when she was 20.
But it will be much harder - you just have to have incredible skill and talent for them to take you in; as fellow trainee's could be 9 - 10 years old and up. 3. You can't sing, but you can dance.
Thats not very good luck, because as I said it above, you have to be amazing in everything. So because you are older, you need to sing and blow their socks off, and dance like no ones business. If you were half your age - then if they saw potential, they would take the time in train you in one or the other.
But not now. 4. Yeah, your fine!
I would grow your hair out, even at your shoulders, and dye it back to black - if you want to audition, it would be best to start as a blanket canvas. Beware; companies might pressure you into getting plastic surgery, if they feel it's needed. They will pressure you, or even threaten to kick you out, if you don't comply.
5. Generally, No. It has happened sometimes, but if your a backup dancer for the company - thats that.
6. It can take however long. If you are older - they will try and get you out there as soon as possible.
Victoria Song, as I said, was scouted in 2007 at 20 years old, and she debuted in f(x) in 2009 at 22. 7. Absolutley not - you will not make any money.
The artists aren't in it for that. Kara sued their entertainment company, because apparently they were only getting $100 a month, when they were making tons of money in Korea and Japan. Its also rumored that SM gives their artists an allowance of $20 a week.
8. Hmmm, not sure. I do know that they usually forbid you to date.
If something bad happened, or if you offend people, and tarnished your image - your entertainment company would either kick you out, or give you a heavy fine. Also, yeah, it is incredibly hard life. You'll have sleepless nights, strict dieting, constant working, and no brakes with little contact with your family back home.
Just because you love korea, or k pop - don't sign your life away on a contract, if it's not what you really think you were born to do. Some people only see the fun costumes, and glittery world of idols, but that's absolutely not the case behind the scenes. It's a hard life.
9. I am not familiar with them. But, it will be hard wherever you go.
The auditioning process is extremely selective, intense, and competitive. You will audition in the same room as the other hopefuls, so there will probably be even more pressure. Also, you might have to audition many times to be accepted.
As amazing as Park Bom is, I think it took her like 4 years to finally be accepted by YG. Best of wishes!
Hey guys please help me out and answer my questions:) 1) OUT of all these entertainments can you please rank form easiest to hardest to get in(as in possibility) SM, JYP, YG, CUBE, WOOLIM ENTERAINMENTS *YG they look for pure TALENT pretty or not it doesn't matter the only thing that matter is TALENT TALENT AND MORE TALENT. You ALWAYS have to impress them no matter how good you are. 2) Im 20 this year, am I too old to get in?
Is it gonna be harder for me? *Its the perfect age to audition not to old not to young! :) Good luck!
3)i cant sing but I can dance, but I am eager to become better, so do they accept someone not so talented and make them improve like creating art/talent.... Well I reccomend to audition as back up dancer first then if you get try to ask for help in singing! Trust me sometimes is better being a back up dancer! 4) I heard you have to look pretty to get in, which kind of sucks.. =_=''... do I have the looks for it?
6)How long does it take for trainee to get debuted, can the earliest be 1 year?.... It always depends but for you I think it might take you 4-5 years if you want to become a singer sorry :P 7) When becoming an idol, do you get paid alot? And do you get any benefits? I honestly don't knoe but I think in YG you do I mean have you heard about the new house TOP bought?!
*. * 8) is it hard / strict being an idol? No swearing, no bad manners etc? It depends on the company your in but the big 3 companies I think so... 9) ALSO does anyone know much about woolim entertainment?
IS IT HARD LIKE THE OTHERS , please more info on woolim :) I havent heard of this comp but I all companies are hard to get in but I think this company isnt as much since it isnt as famous.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.