It depends on what you have to work with. I have thick waist length hair, I braid it after a shower and it keeps a wavy curl until its washed again. Also, you can shred a shirt, or some other cotton garment, rags or a towel, even.
Cut into strips, set aside. Wet your hair, use a leave in conditioner, sunsilk has some great stuff for trying to attain curls, their shampoos and conditioners are pretty rockin too. Section a piece of your hair at a time, like you would if using curlers.
Twist it to the left until the strand is completely twisted, it doesn't have to be tight, but this brings it togeather to help hold in the form. Curl your hair around your strip of fabric as you would a curler. To hold in place, tie the ends across, don't knot it.Do your complete head like this, its great to have a friend over to help out.
(Try this in advanced, the results are waaaayyy to curly for me, but if you have finer hair, this might be ideal) Sleep with them in and remove in the morning. The cotton absorbs the moisture, the slow drying process is great for volume, the twist before the twirl is key! Hope this helps, Happy Birthday!
This is an age old problem I am taking a guess that you have quite thick hair which is heavy so it does not hold the curl spraying your hair before you durl is a good option try using thin sections when curling and spraying each individual curl after it has been curled also if using heated appliances to curl allow the hair to cool before you tease or touch the curl as when it is cool the bonds I your hair have set, With the over night curlers if the curl is to tight you need a larger roller set, I like to use heated rollers large for a nice loose bouncy curl you may also want to use curl enhancing products follow this link
It depends on what you have to work with. I have thick waist length hair, I braid it after a shower and it keeps a wavy curl until its washed again. Also, you can shred a shirt, or some other cotton garment, rags or a towel, even.
Cut into strips, set aside. Wet your hair, use a leave in conditioner, sunsilk has some great stuff for trying to attain curls, their shampoos and conditioners are pretty rockin too. Section a piece of your hair at a time, like you would if using curlers.
Twist it to the left until the strand is completely twisted, it doesn't have to be tight, but this brings it togeather to help hold in the form. Curl your hair around your strip of fabric as you would a curler. To hold in place, tie the ends across, don't knot it.
Do your complete head like this, its great to have a friend over to help out. (Try this in advanced, the results are waaaayyy to curly for me, but if you have finer hair, this might be ideal) Sleep with them in and remove in the morning. The cotton absorbs the moisture, the slow drying process is great for volume, the twist before the twirl is key!
Hope this helps, Happy Birthday!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.