How come when someone answers your question, if you send them a reply they never answer you back?

Similar questions: answers question send reply answer back.

Because Amazon has made it so hard to keep up with others comments. You have to really want to keep up and spend time going back to check for comments.

I will not always respond to compliments for answers. A few minutes ago, I PM'ed back a "thank you" for a compliment, but sometimes the thing really does look like no response is expected. I wish to not pester someone with unwanted or too much communication (except for a few, ya know?) The problem is that I never will accurately know which is which.

I see it as a "Thank You".. "No, Thank You".. "No... Thank You".. "No, Thank You".. type of circle that can become intangled and take away from the true reson we're here. I mean, who can cope with that unless to just not respond, but therein lies the rudeness.. You should acknowledge a 'thank you' .. but then.. So it begins.

No.. thank You! (sorry, I couldn't resist).. Anyway, your welcome.. end transmission.

I've got my settings set accordingly so that the system sends me an email when someone responds to both my questions and comment. Right now I'm finding that' the easiest way to stay on top of things, albeit I don't participate on the level that many do, so the emails aren't really a nuisance. That said, as DPD notes below, I also don't think every little comment requires a response.

I've had good luck with mine, I've gotten responses to responses, but figure people have better things to do than hang out at AV all day waiting to chat with me, so have to admit that I haven't really given it much thought when the threads sorta fade away. It strikes me as being more the individuals involved, tho', then the system. I chose to set up email notifications, others don't, so AV offers a way to monitor.It's just up to us to use it or not until something better comes along.

I might also note that I don't often respond to compliments. It isn't that I don't appreciate 'em, I do, but figure the mere procedure of accepting them is a sort of thank you, I guess. Different strokes for different folks.

And now, given the topic, I feel compelled to respond, "You're welcome! " Ha .

They might think the reply was so obvious it does not deserve a response or they read the question as rhetorical or sarcasm.

4) because the Askville sucks quotient has gone off the chart - they powers that be have intentionally tried to make this siye as unfriendly and sterile as they can, and not included a good mechanism to follow conversations. This should be a case study in management classes of how improving something with out the buy-in and consent of the user community can turn something good into a complete fecal ball, and an example of "just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. ".

" "Askville has a "was this question helpful" to reply to, PLEASE SEE DETAIL" (10 answers).

What does it takes to get a question answer here in Askville.

Askville has a "was this question helpful" to reply to, PLEASE SEE DETAIL" (10 answers).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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