How do I get my 9 month old to sleep all night? 4 nights a week he wakes up 3 to 4 times a night?

4 nights a week he wakes up 3 to 4 times a night. Asked by Doodlelang 9 months ago Similar questions: month sleep night nights week wakes times Family > Childcare.

Similar questions: month sleep night nights week wakes times.

He could be hungry. Talk to your pediatrician about adding some oatmeal to his feedings. :) .

He's 9 months old and eats table food as well a his baby foods, so I don't think this is his problem. But thank you for your input. Doodlelang 9 months ago .

Or you can try playing soothing music or wrap him up in a blanket because sometimes babies hear any little noise and they get scared or wake up.

Ignore him. Don't go in and comfort him each time. The first night he will wake up and cry because he knows that you will respond.

But if you ignore him, he will fall back asleep. Each subsequent night, he will wake up less. By 5 nights, he will pretty much have adjusted to sleeping.

Usually they wake up if they are hungry. My son was like that and the doctor told me to give couple spoons of cereal with mashed fruit before the last bottle. That hit the spot and the baby slept all night.

I strongly agree with El Bandito. My two daughters were sleeping through the night by the time they were six months old. It is vital that your child learn to go to sleep by himself and it is no less important to instill in your children the nearly written-in-stone reality of a schedule.

Put him to bed the same time every night. Do a routine of "bedtime activities" before you put him down---a bath, reading time, etc. Shut the door or leave it ajar and stay out of it after you tell him good-night---no matter what. I can promise you that, if you start bargaining and engaging in a power play over bedtime and sleep at this early age, you'll be doing it when he graduates from college.

I feel such pity for kids whose parents can't seem to set down rules and stick to them. Kids have a big need to feel safe and a predictable environment helps them know they are secure and loved.(And, for God's sake--not to mention your kid's---do not give him more food!)I hope this helps.

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My 8 month old does not sleep well at all. He takes two 20 min. Naps a day and wakes up approx.6 times a night.


I have 13 month old twin boys that will not sleep thru the night. If one cries for too long he wakes the other.

My 2 year old wakes up at night as many as 10 times screaming ang crying, any ideas please help.

Usually they wake up if they are hungry. My son was like that and the doctor told me to give couple spoons of cereal with mashed fruit before the last bottle. That hit the spot and the baby slept all night.

Violet1 54 months ago.

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