My baby is 10 months old, he goes to sleep at 7pm but wakes up at 4:30-5am, how can he sleep until 6 or 7am?

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By putting him to bed later. If you have a ten month old that sleeps from 7 pm to 4:30 am, consider yourself lucky! That is a full nights sleep for a baby that age.

Thank you! I have tried putting him down later but he still wakes up at 5am Lily81 4 days ago .

Well, that is ten hours. More than most adults sleep! .

The sun maybe waking him up..maybe getting shades in his room may help....putting to bed later...get exercise in the day may help. Rice cereal before bed may help and a bottle. Best wishes.

Maybe try putting him to bed at 8pm and give it at least 2 weeks to see if he adjusts to sleeping in that little bit longer. I know it takes time to establish this as daylight savings has reaked havok on one of my daughters and taken a little time to adjust. But she also used to sleep only 10hours a night so I used to put her down at 9 and shed wake from 6 to 6.30.

Now she is 20months old and sleeps 7.30pm to 7am and thats only because I don't put her down during the day. But goodluck! .

I guess you're stuck getting up at 05:00 - go to bed earlier yourself.

I can rock my son to sleep but if I lay him down he wakes back up, help" "Our two-year old always wakes up at or before 5 in the morning. How do we get her to sleep longer in the morning? " "no anything about childcare?

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I can rock my son to sleep but if I lay him down he wakes back up, help.

Our two-year old always wakes up at or before 5 in the morning. How do we get her to sleep longer in the morning?

My baby girl is 10 months old with breast. Y and how does this happen?

She's 10 months old and even when we let her cry, or feed her, no luck.

My Yorki is 6 months, he wakes up around 4am to pee.

My neighbor likes to mow his lawn at 7am on the first day of his weekend, typically Friday or wakes me up.

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