It's basically impossible. I know, I'm addicted to it too! I've resorted to buying it in bulk on ebay - up to 30-50 tins at a time.
If your like me, you go without it for more than a couple hours and your lips are so chapped and dry, it's unbearable. I've found that there are very few lip balms that will give you the same relief - sometimes they feel good, but after awhile they start to dry out your lips as well. Try getting a few different kinds - a chapstick one, a blistex one, a softlips one, and a smackers one (mmm!) for example.
Use them, alternating with burts bees and your lips won't feel quite so bad. If you want to get away from using it, your going to have to go through the same cruddy withdrawal you go though with any addiction.It's going to feel TERRIBLE! I know how bad it is running out for even a day.
First, try easing off of it. Your lips don't really have to protect themselves if something else is doing it for them, so they will become chapped and dry much more quickly when you stop using the balm. Try cutting down to fewer times a day, then just put it on twice a day, etc. I wouldn't abandon it in drying weather - like, if you spend a lot of time outdoors in winter, it may be better to wait until summer when your lips aren't as prone to getting chapped.
Second, drink more water. Water will keep your skin moist, and it won't dry out so quickly. Should make the withdrawal a little more maneagable.
Find an alternative to switch to, but use it less often. Don't let yourself get into the habit of using it frequently. Suffer.
If you want to stop using it, it's going to be VERY uncomfortable while your lips learn to take care of themselves. Resist the urge to lick your lips too much and give yourself chapped lips (which is what I suffered from before I found burts). Nearly impossible I say though.
I've been addicted to Burts for a LONG time.... though I've never even considered giving it up!.
Try using the Burt's Beeswax that comes in a tin. I use this at night, or only when it's really cold and windy out. It's harder to just put on without thinking about it, because you have to get your hands a little messy to use it (or be really gauche and put it on from the tin and look awkward).
You may still be "addicted", but not quite the same way.
Use Vaseline. Vaseline actually helps your lips get better, instead of temporary relief, then more pain. I have used Vaseline and my lip balm interchangeably and I don't use it that often anymore.
I have noticed my lips stop hurting, and stop getting chapped as quickly than when I used just lip balm (carmex, chapstick, burts).
Try switching to a new lip balm that is a different brand.
Stop buying them. Have some other brand of lip balm. Try to change the brands more often.
Also, make sure to use a different flavor.
Don't let yourself get into the habit of using it frequently. If you want to stop using it, it's going to be VERY uncomfortable while your lips learn to take care of themselves. Resist the urge to lick your lips too much and give yourself chapped lips (which is what I suffered from before I found burts).
Nearly impossible I say though. I've been addicted to Burts for a LONG time.... though I've never even considered giving it up!.
It's basically impossible. I know, I'm addicted to it too!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.