How do I prevent mold from growing in my ice tea jar? I make a new batch of tea in the same jar each day?

I make a new batch of tea in the same jar each day. Asked by CarolynA 15 months ago Similar questions: prevent mold growing ice tea jar make batch day Food & Drink > Cooking.

Similar questions: prevent mold growing ice tea jar make batch day.

Between that and not leaving it out with the lid open, you should not be getting mold.

Make sure that the spigot is cleaned as well.

OK, I will start doing that, I have not been washing the jar, just rinsing it out with water. I will give that a try, thank you very much! Carolyn CarolynA 15 months ago .

I would echo Lightworks comment--washing the jar between uses should take care of the problem. Get one of those dish washing "wands" that will reach down in the jar to really get into the base of the jar. You can always rinse the jar with a bleach and water solution to kill any germs and mold, rinsing it well afterwards.

OK, I am going to try that, thank you very much for your reply. Carolyn CarolynA 15 months ago .

I am curious about your technique. Are you perhaps making "sun tea" outdoors or in a sunny window each day? Could you give us more detail about your brewing technique?

In general, I would agree with what has already been suggested:before each use, wash the jar thoroughly with a dish soap, making sure to scrub all surfaces, including the ridges where the lid screws on and the lid itself, and rinse well. Katherine .

Katherine, thank you for the reply. I simply put 4 tea bags in a 1/2 gallon jar, fill with water and put back in the frig. It is after several weeks that the mold starts forming.

I only rinse it (if that. ) I will start washing with soap as you suggested after each batch. Thank you so much for the tip,Carolyn CarolynA 15 months ago .

We make a gallon jug of Florida 'sun tea' every day. When the jug is empty, I wash it clean with a squirt or two of my handy bleach/water solution mixed 50/50, fill the jug with water and let it sit about 10 minutes...making sure to let some of the solution run through the dispenser tap, and soaking the cover, too. Then rinse well, including the dispenser tap, and brew up a new batch of tea.

Refrigerate tea. Try's wonderful...1 Gallon jug3 quarts of water3 jug sized decaf. Tea bags1 quart apple juice4 ounces sugar free raspberry syrup.

Chill, serve over ice. Ahhhhhhh.

Thanks for the tip on controlling the mold, your recipe sounds great, thanks for sharing! CarolynA 15 months ago .

I am Looking for recipes on large batch professional cooking i.e.. 1100 or more people.

I have 62cm high ice mold but do not want to buy there freezer how can I make it clear ice being that big.

Katherine, thank you for the reply. I simply put 4 tea bags in a 1/2 gallon jar, fill with water and put back in the frig. It is after several weeks that the mold starts forming.

I only rinse it (if that.) I will start washing with soap as you suggested after each batch. Thank you so much for the tip,Carolyn CarolynA 61 months ago.

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