How do I prevent mold from growing in the soil of my house plants?

I read somewhere that it is not recommended to have house plants in your bedroom because of mold spores. Is this true and is there anyway to prevent mold from growing on my house plants? Asked by claytonboen 48 months ago Similar questions: prevent mold growing soil house plants Home.

Similar questions: prevent mold growing soil house plants.

Here are a few things you could try! Mold likes high temperatures (mid 70°F), high humidity, darkness, and stagnant air. When mold is discovered check to see if it is active (soft, fuzzy, smears easily) or dormant (powdery, easy to wipe).

If it is active and it is in single plant, consider withdrawing it from the collection, and carefully remove and replace the top inch of soil from the pot. If it is in the dormant stage, allow the soil to become quite dry, then brush off the spores, working outdoors and (if possible) with a fan blowing the spores away. Some varieties of mold are toxic to humans, so please use great care.

Wearing rubber gloves and a dust mask are not unreasonable precautions. How to combat mold There are fungicides on the market that will kill the mold, check with your local nursery or garden center for an appropriate one, and use only according to directions. To help prevent a repeat occurrence, move the plant to brighter light, keep the soil on the dry side, (during the winter months, this is a good idea, anyway) maintain moderate temperature and humidity, and provide good air circulation.

You can use a low-cost Mold Home Remedy Recipes available at Mold Mart. Sources: web search .

Let the surface of the soil dry out between waterings mold is a product of chronic dampness and plants don't like it either. Even ferns need to have a little time between waterings. Molds also like it dark.

Make sure your plants have plenty of light. There will probably always be some mold in the soil, but not overwatering (and do NOT let water accumulate in the drip pan beneath the plant) and keeping the plant in as much light as possible will keep any mold problems at bay quite nicely. If, however, you are actually allergic to mold, then do not have houseplants anywhere in your house.

Yes, they can be a tremendous help in keeping the humidity up and detoxifying the air, but a true allergy would not make any of that worthwhile -- unless you were permanently on antihistamines for other allergies, too! Then it would simply have to be your call as to what you were willing to put up with.

I wouldn't be too worried ... "Mold requires 3 basic elements to grow; moisture, warm air, and a food source. Depriving mold of any of these three items will limit, and in some cases prevent it from growing, but it will not kill the mold that is already present. " Firstly check to see how humid your home is.

If it's warm and humid this is probably a good indication that mold growth will more easily occur. I've lived in both warm areas of California and Florida and personally never experienced a mold problem. I am careful though, to never over water my plants and also to change the soil or add more top soil regularly.

Home remidies have even gone as far to suggest sprinkling cinnamon on the top soil to prevent mold growth but I honestly have never tried this. However had I problem with mold this is probably the first thing I would try. I wouldn't be too worried about having plants in your house, even in your bathroom, unless of course mold is already a problem.

And in that case I would hire someone to inspect the mold problem if it appears more serious and if you can not eliminate the mold yourself. Sources: .

Any good soil is rich in organic matter....... Organic matter being decomposing plants or other matter for the most part, mold is a part of the decomposing process, so if you want healthy house plants, totally disinfecting the soil would reduce their health. Also note that mold is everywhere, the amount of mold is what causes problems. I believe that house plants in your bedroom should not be a problem because they use your exhaled carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, so you would help each other.As for the mold in the soil unless it is excessive or you are very sensitive to mold (asthmatic or otherwise) I wouldn't worry about it.

If your soil has white fuzz or other signs of mold on the surface cut back on your watering, and add a few drops of a mild disinfectant dish detergent like Joy to your water when watering, It's actually good for the plants: will make your soil absorb the water better, reduce mites and other insects. So don't be afraid to have plants in your bedroom as long as the organic process in your soil is balanced and healthy. Our bodies need to be more in tune with nature and it's processes.

We shouldn't live in a disinfected vacuum; we need to adjust to our natural environment. Sources: home inspector/gardener .

Mold can grow anywhere if there's enough moisture I've had plants in all different places around the house. I have a tendency to overwater since the soil always seems to look dry. Many times, mold has grown no matter where I put the plant.To prevent mold, don't overwater.

A lot of times, even if the surface of the soil looks dry, underneath it is still damp. Make sure there is plenty of airflow. Water even less in rooms with high humidity.

Sources: own experience .

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I make a new batch of tea in the same jar each day.

Vegetable plants that like ash/ alkaline soil.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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