Opening windows and doors during and after showering is a good idea to keep the moisture down. However, if you live in high humidity area you still might have a problem. If the mold is coming from a specific point, you may have a leak that should get checked out.
If you have a persistent mold problem, you should also clean with a bleach solution. After cleaning the tiles/problem areas, spray the area with a bleach and water solution or other cleaning product containing bleach. I like to use Clorox Clean-up.
If you have a problem with the walls or ceiling. Use the same bleach solution/cleaner to periodically wipe down the walls and ceiling, this will help to keep the problem under control. Before you clean the mold if you are worried, you may want to get it tested.It is not a big deal, you can usually take a sample and mail it off to a lab to get tested.
I have given you a couple of links below for different services, but there are certainly more out there.
Im guessing you've already opened the window as that is obvious, and it is unlikely the problem is been caused by a leak. You could fit an extractor fan (this is the expensive option), or, you could replace the silicone sealent in the bathroom to anti-mold sealent, that is most likely where the mold is starting to form. Btw I am a plumber and this is how we solve the problem.
If you have a leak that is the source of mold then you need to fix the leak first. If the mold is caused by humidity in the bathroom when you take a shower then you should probably open up a window or the bathroom door while showering. This will help it not get too wet in the bathroom.
A good way to judge if there is too much moisture trapped is to make sure your mirror does not get totally fogged up by the time you are done with the bathroom.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.