You can’t right now; it seems to be currently unavailable from the Apple store and there doesn’t seem to be any other method. You should probably check back there every few days or so. Another option may be to get an invisibleSHIELD which works like a bumper case but is less bulky.
Best Buy will soon be offering these for free; it’s not official yet but it’s looking like this will happen. You just go into the store and they’ll install it for free. Like I said, it’s not started yet but you can go in and try to find out when they will start.
Here's a helpful video.
Nikudemy - You can go to the apple web site to find instructions for getting a free bumper for your iPhone4. Essentially, you apply right from your iPhone. If you bought the iPhone before July 23, 2010, you have until August 22.
Otherwise you have to apply within 30 days of purchase. The offer closes on September 30, 2010.
You do not need to mail them a receipt or fill any form at the moment. When Steve Jobs announced that Apple inc. Would be given out the free bumper case, he also said that the company would start accepting applications for the free cases, beginning from the end of this week.
The application form (or forms) would be available on the Apple’s official website at He also made it known that Apple does not have enough much bumper cases to go around. So users would have an option to choose from some third party cases.My aunt bought hers’ when she got her iPhone 4 and would be applying for a $29 refund; which is the original price of the Apple iPhone 4 bumper case.
She had already gone to the stores for a refund but was told she had to apply online for a refund, by the end of this week. The bumper case covers the stainless steel antenna band and therefore the signal strength is strong when it is in the case, but when you take the case off and place a hand on the antenna band, the signal becomes weak.
Besides visiting any authorized Apple Dealer, there is also information available online. The official Apple website for this program is The website has some stipulations, such as: If you phone was purchased before July 23, 2010, you must apply no later than August 22, 2010; otherwise, you must apply within 30 days of your iPhone 4 purchase.To qualify for this program, you must purchase your iPhone 4 by September 30, 2010.
If you had already purchased a bumper case, Apple is willing to reinburse you for your purchase. And, as always, Apple offers purchasers the right to return their product within 30 days of purchase if they are not completely satisfied.
First, you'll need to download the iPhone 4 Case Program app from the App Store - Once the app is on your iPhone, you can simply run it and select the case you would like to receive! The options are limited (I was hoping for an orange bumper), but you also have third party cases from Incase, Belkin, and Griffin available to you. They list availability of most cases as "Ships 3-5 weeks", but there are reports of bumpers and cases shipping much sooner than that!
It seems to be a bit of a crapshoot, though, as to which cases are actually shipping when. Good luck!
You can’t right now; it seems to be currently unavailable from the Apple store and there doesn’t seem to be any other method. You should probably check back there every few days or so. Another option may be to get an invisibleSHIELD which works like a bumper case but is less bulky.
Best Buy will soon be offering these for free; it’s not official yet but it’s looking like this will happen. You just go into the store and they’ll install it for free. Like I said, it’s not started yet but you can go in and try to find out when they will start.
You can’t right now; it seems to be currently unavailable from the Apple store and there doesn’t seem to be any other method. You should probably check back there every few days or so. Another option may be to get an invisibleSHIELD which works like a bumper case but is less bulky.
Best Buy will soon be offering these for free; it’s not official yet but it’s looking like this will happen. You just go into the store and they’ll install it for free. Like I said, it’s not started yet but you can go in and try to find out when they will start.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Hi nikudemy - You can go to the apple web site to find instructions for getting a free bumper for your iPhone4.
Essentially, you apply right from your iPhone. If you bought the iPhone before July 23, 2010, you have until September 30, 2010. Otherwise you have to apply within 30 days of purchase.
The offer closes on September 30, 2010. Hi nikudemy - You can go to the apple web site to find instructions for getting a free bumper for your iPhone4. Essentially, you apply right from your iPhone.
If you bought the iPhone before July 23, 2010, you have until September 30, 2010. Otherwise you have to apply within 30 days of purchase. The offer closes on September 30, 2010.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. You do not need to mail them a receipt or fill any form at the moment.
When Steve Jobs announced that Apple inc. Would be given out the free bumper case, he also said that the company would start accepting applications for the free cases, beginning from the end of this week. The application form (or forms) would be available on the Apple’s official website at
He also made it known that Apple does not have enough much bumper cases to go around. So users would have an option to choose from some third party cases. My aunt bought hers’ when she got her iPhone 4 and would be applying for a $29 refund; which is the original price of the Apple iPhone 4 bumper case.
She had already gone to the stores for a refund but was told she had to apply online for a refund, by the end of this week. The bumper case covers the stainless steel antenna band and therefore the signal strength is strong when it is in the case, but when you take the case off and place a hand on the antenna band, the signal becomes weak. You do not need to mail them a receipt or fill any form at the moment.
When Steve Jobs announced that Apple inc. Would be given out the free bumper case, he also said that the company would start accepting applications for the free cases, beginning from the end of this week. The application form (or forms) would be available on the Apple’s official website at
He also made it known that Apple does not have enough much bumper cases to go around. So users would have an option to choose from some third party cases. My aunt bought hers’ when she got her iPhone 4 and would be applying for a $29 refund; which is the original price of the Apple iPhone 4 bumper case.
She had already gone to the stores for a refund but was told she had to apply online for a refund, by the end of this week. The bumper case covers the stainless steel antenna band and therefore the signal strength is strong when it is in the case, but when you take the case off and place a hand on the antenna band, the signal becomes weak. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Besides visiting any authorized Apple Dealer, there is also information available online. The official Apple website for this program is
The website has some stipulations, such as: If you phone was purchased before July 23, 2010, you must apply no later than September 30, 2010; otherwise, you must apply within 30 days of your iPhone 4 purchase. To qualify for this program, you must purchase your iPhone 4 by September 30, 2010. If you had already purchased a bumper case, Apple is willing to reinburse you for your purchase.
And, as always, Apple offers purchasers the right to return their product within 30 days of purchase if they are not completely satisfied. Besides visiting any authorized Apple Dealer, there is also information available online. The official Apple website for this program is
The website has some stipulations, such as: If you phone was purchased before July 23, 2010, you must apply no later than September 30, 2010; otherwise, you must apply within 30 days of your iPhone 4 purchase. To qualify for this program, you must purchase your iPhone 4 by September 30, 2010. If you had already purchased a bumper case, Apple is willing to reinburse you for your purchase.
And, as always, Apple offers purchasers the right to return their product within 30 days of purchase if they are not completely satisfied. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
First, you'll need to download the iPhone 4 Case Program app from the App Store - Once the app is on your iPhone, you can simply run it and select the case you would like to receive! The options are limited (I was hoping for an orange bumper), but you also have third party cases from Incase, Belkin, and Griffin available to you. They list availability of most cases as "Ships 3-5 weeks", but there are reports of bumpers and cases shipping much sooner than that!
It seems to be a bit of a crapshoot, though, as to which cases are actually shipping when. Once the app is on your iPhone, you can simply run it and select the case you would like to receive! The options are limited (I was hoping for an orange bumper), but you also have third party cases from Incase, Belkin, and Griffin available to you.
They list availability of most cases as "Ships 3-5 weeks", but there are reports of bumpers and cases shipping much sooner than that! It seems to be a bit of a crapshoot, though, as to which cases are actually shipping when. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.