Lol! I really had to laugh out loud on this one. I was surprised when I heard all that Apple CEO, Steve Jobs said, concerning the iPhone4 reception but I cannot not help but admit that given out a free case would shut a lot of mouths.
Some people would go out to get their new bumper and try to see if it would really help to prevent reduction in the signal strength. Do you notice that he did not even say that the company was sorry, instead he claims that they ‘’think’’ that there is a problem, but they also ‘’think’’ that it is affecting a small number of people, and that no company was perfect. Well, from all that I have read and heard so far, I can only conclude that Apple (like every other company) is only looking out for itself at this time.Do you know how much it is going to cost Apple inc.
If a recall of the iPhone 4 is done? So, what better way to shut up the squeaky lips of the users, than with a good looking ‘’ free’’ case. Who doesn’t like the word ‘’free’’?
The bumper case is $29. While the price of the iPhone4 is from $99. Better to lose $29 than $99 or more.
I hope that they find a long term solution to the problem and stop beating around the bush over a problem that is very obvious.
I think that with the current debate surrounding the issue with the iPhone 4, the bumper accessory was only a temporary fix and honestly was insulting from such a large and prestigious company. Consumers expect more from Apple than a fix like this. And with the iPhone being such a staple product, there should have been more of an answer than, here place a rubber bumper on the phone.So in short my answer is no.
This was certainly not a reasonable response. The success of the iPhone for Apple should have warranted more of an apology for poor craftsmanship and a concrete plan for replacement phones or parts. If Apple hopes to have continued success with their iPhone than they need to take the financial hit and make this situation right for all those that ran out an purchased a new iPhone.
I do not think it is reasonable, and I think the offer of a free case is an insult to anyone with half a brain who bought the new iPhone 4 and is now suffering with the consequences. Even though the defects in the phone are not "life threatening," I think there should be a product recall, no questions asked. Registered users should be able to ship it back at Apple's expense and receive a brand new one when ALL the bugs have been fixed.An iPhone case?
A ridiculous bumper case? "Oooo! Pretty!
All better now! " Come on, Steve Jobs. Your loyal customers might consider filing a class-action lawsuit just to kick your self-righteous hiney.
I am certainly glad that I did not buy one, nor did I upgrade because I do not own an iPhone. I do own an iPad, and the only downside to it was the delayed release date because Apple wanted to step up production in order to ensure that there was enough supply to meet demand. I feel that was a good "call.
" No phone pun intended. But offering a free case to assuage the number of problems with the new iPhone will only further infuriate people, don't you think?
The Apple iPhone offer of a free "bumper" case to every iPhone 4 owner is totally a very unreasonable response from a company that is the leading innovations in mobile and computing technology. It smacks of insensitivity to the plight of consumers which patronizes Apple products like an icon. The main thing that Apple and Steve Jobs is missing is that the iPhone 4 problem is totally a hardware issue, nothing more and nothing less.
The appropriate thing the company should have done is issue a massive recall in the early stages of the mobile device release and not offer some cosmetic approach to a consumer report that speaks about the experiences of users. This company has never learned a lesson from the Toyota recall and whatever the company is doing right now is too little too late.
I read the liveblog for the event as it happened and it absolutely INFURIATED ME. He had many statements I literally dropped my jaw at, such as: "...even though we believe the iPhone’s antenna is superior, the data says the iPhone 4 drops more calls than the 3GS" (a statement saying)"We have 18 PhDs, 17 labs and $100M of resources used to test antennas, and ours our superior" (that I can't seem to find now) "“I have my own pet theory about this — when the 3GS came out, there was already a healthy market for cases that fit it. But in our store 80% of iPhones walk out without a case.
€?" (blaming it on lack of case) "...but it’s affecting a very small percentage of our users. I myself have gotten over 5000 emails from users telling me their iPhone works fine, and they can’t figure out what this is about. €?" (however, earlier they also said only 0.55% of customers had called in to complain.
Thats about 165,000. Isn't 165,000 more than 5000? ) And the kicker I almost laughed out loud in class at: "We love our users so much we’ve built 300 Apple retail stores for them".
That whole thing was so maddening. If I wasn't already mad about Apple's problems, a free case wouldn't have made me happy. That phone would be back at the store so fast.
The ONLY reason I would consider buying an iPhone, since I know what else is out there, is because of the size. It IS very thin. But it's also tall and wide.
Adding a case is only going to make it bigger and taller and wider. In the competitive phone market, 5 millimeters makes a huge difference between the size of one phone and another - how easy it is to hold, how it fits in your pocket, how it fits in your bag. When I bought my last phone, I was considering an HTC Touch Diamond or a Blackberry Storm.
I held them both and put them in my pocket. The size was not that much different - the storm a little thinner, but othewise bigger - and it was literally the way it felt that was the deciding factor in my purchase of the HTC (and the way the screen on the storm clicked). Adding a case to an iPhone would ruin it for me.
That press conference - I already was not fond of Apple, just because they're so overpriced, but I did like the way the iPhone 4 looked. I wasn't considering buying one, but if I had - that press conference would have been the end of it for me. I realize a recall would have been too much, but that sort of response, basically saying they aren't responsible, I will probably never even consider buying an Apple product again unless they do something VERY spectacular.
After, in the words of Jobs... Apple only has the Apple Store because they love their customers. Yeah right *cough*money*cough*
I don't know if it's the most reasonable response possible, but it's at least something. People may not be especially impressed, but they're probably still going to take it. As much as the media has jumped on this for the time being, I really don't think it's going to affect Apple to much long term.
I think that the public will forget about this incident and move on after a few months. Let's be honest. Is the iPhone 5 *really* that far off?
What about the iPhone 6? Apple always seems to come out with new products faster than I think they will. Steve Jobs' comments have definitely made the situation worse, but people will forget about that soon enough as URL1 matter how you look at it, Apple products are still much better than they used to be!
I think Steve Jobs is just trying to cover his behind because the new iPhone isn’t perfect like he thinks it is. At the very beginning he was saying that the only reason that a person could have trouble with reception on the new iPhone is because the customer wasn’t holding the phone right. You have got to be kidding me!
He also said that it happens to a lot of other phone models besides Apple’s iPhone. We aren’t talking about other cell phones. We are talking about the majestic iPhone 4!
I think the bumper, if he does do this, might satisfy some customers. Some will just be happy that they don’t have to go through the hassle of returning the phone for a new one or to get their money back. And that software fix only made sure the bars more correctly showed the correct reception data.
The people that bought the new iPhone do not want a refund. They just want their new iPhone to work like it is supposed to.
I have read everyone's response above and must agree. A free bumper case to every iPhone 4 owner does not seem right. I am not sure what the world is coming to.
Back years ago, all you had was your business "name" and along with that came reputation. Companies were not as big and the main concern was REALLY making sure the customer was happy. I remember my very first job, the motto was "The customer was always right."
Today it seems we get screwed from large companies over and over again. If you as a large company mess up, fix it so that the customer is thrilled. Go above and beyond the call of duty and do what is right.
I am glad the consumers voted it "Not recommended. "
He had many statements I literally dropped my jaw at, such as: "...even though we believe the iPhone’s antenna is superior, the data says the iPhone 4 drops more calls than the 3GS" (a statement saying)"We have 18 PhDs, 17 labs and $100M of resources used to test antennas, and ours our superior" (that I can't seem to find now) "“I have my own pet theory about this — when the 3GS came out, there was already a healthy market for cases that fit it. But in our store 80% of iPhones walk out without a case.”" (blaming it on lack of case) "...but it’s affecting a very small percentage of our users. I myself have gotten over 5000 emails from users telling me their iPhone works fine, and they can’t figure out what this is about.”" (however, earlier they also said only 0.55% of customers had called in to complain.
Thats about 165,000. Isn't 165,000 more than 5000?) And the kicker I almost laughed out loud in class at: "We love our users so much we’ve built 300 Apple retail stores for them". That whole thing was so maddening.
If I wasn't already mad about Apple's problems, a free case wouldn't have made me happy. That phone would be back at the store so fast. The ONLY reason I would consider buying an iPhone, since I know what else is out there, is because of the size.
It IS very thin. But it's also tall and wide. Adding a case is only going to make it bigger and taller and wider.
In the competitive phone market, 5 millimeters makes a huge difference between the size of one phone and another - how easy it is to hold, how it fits in your pocket, how it fits in your bag. When I bought my last phone, I was considering an HTC Touch Diamond or a Blackberry Storm.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.