Sounds like you have great curls to work with, that is great. I have many tips from a professional stand point and then a personal stand point. First, do not over wash your hair.It is not always the act of washing that is drying on the hair, but often what we do after we wash it.
Thermal tools such as a blow dryer or curling iron can make frizzy hair worse. Wash your hair every other day or every two days. Invest in a moisturizing shampoo and condition.
We need to put moisture back in the hair. Any shampoo and conditioner for dry or damaged hair will work. I like Pantene when I do not have money for the more expensive brands like Rusk.
Now, after you shampoo and condition, towel dry the hair gently. No need to wrestle with the towel and scrub your hair, that will make the problem worse again, just gently towel dry. Now comb the hair.
Apply mousse throughout the hair from roots to ends. I have tried many brands of mousse, even the salon quality brands. I prefer Tresemme.
It is cheap and works the best. Here is the key. After you apply mousse.
Take the hair in your hands and scrunch. Now DO NOT touch the hair again.Do not run your fingers through it or touch it in any way. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make.
Now blow dry completely with a diffuser. You will have perfect curls!
Ooo you can go to Walmart and buy Aussie Mouse and gel.. Dry your hair just a little bit then flip your head over put some mouse in it then after put a little gel in it then hairspray and let it dry:) Or you could dry your hair with a defuser that attaches to the end of your blowdryer. And after it drys take one piece at a time wrap it around your finger and bobbypin it to your head for about 20 min. The when you take it all down it should look really good:).
Sounds like you have great curls to work with, that is great. I have many tips from a professional stand point and then a personal stand point. First, do not over wash your hair.
It is not always the act of washing that is drying on the hair, but often what we do after we wash it. Thermal tools such as a blow dryer or curling iron can make frizzy hair worse. Wash your hair every other day or every two days.
Invest in a moisturizing shampoo and condition. We need to put moisture back in the hair. Any shampoo and conditioner for dry or damaged hair will work.
I like Pantene when I do not have money for the more expensive brands like Rusk. Now, after you shampoo and condition, towel dry the hair gently. No need to wrestle with the towel and scrub your hair, that will make the problem worse again, just gently towel dry.
Now comb the hair. Apply mousse throughout the hair from roots to ends. I have tried many brands of mousse, even the salon quality brands.
I prefer Tresemme. It is cheap and works the best. Here is the key.
After you apply mousse. Take the hair in your hands and scrunch. Now DO NOT touch the hair again.
Do not run your fingers through it or touch it in any way. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Now blow dry completely with a diffuser.
You will have perfect curls!
Hair Type :: Very Curly HairComments:I'm not big on writing reviews but i'm so satisfied with this product and I feel as though every mixed female should try this. This stuff is BEYOND great! It's great on curly hair and I'm pretty sure it works great on other types of hair by reading other reviews.
I'm mixed with indian and I could never find a product that could control my frizz. My hair is thick and it would just poof up. I hated it!
I tried everything. My hair was past my shoulders and I got tired of finding things to do with it. I felt hopeless so I end up cutting it into a bob.
On days I would wear it curly, it would just look stringy and plain. It had no body. Now that i'm trying to grow it back, I started watching YouTube videos and MixedChicks had alot of great reviews.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.