How do I upscale my HDTV ready tv to 720p?

I have HDMI cable connected to iomega 500gb screenplay which also upscales to 720p or 1080i. Asked by Awesom-o 33 months ago Similar questions: upscale HDTV ready tv 720p Computers > Hardware > Desktops & Laptops.

Similar questions: upscale HDTV ready tv 720p.

No need to. You shouldn’t need to upscale it. If you’re watching HD programming it should automatically be either 720por 1080i..

1 I'm just guessing since I really don't understand your problem. Your question indicates your TV does not produce the picture in 720p. If so, you should be able to go into the menu for the TV and find something to make the appropriate setting.

BTW Does anyone know if you can copy DVR recordings to this device? This user has been banned from Askville.

1 I'm just guessing since I really don't understand your problem. Your question indicates your TV does not produce the picture in 720p. If so, you should be able to go into the menu for the TV and find something to make the appropriate setting.

BTW Does anyone know if you can copy DVR recordings to this device? .

I'm just guessing since I really don't understand your problem. Your question indicates your TV does not produce the picture in 720p. If so, you should be able to go into the menu for the TV and find something to make the appropriate setting.

BTW Does anyone know if you can copy DVR recordings to this device?

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I am looking for a good deal on >50" Internet ready hdtv.

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