A lawn with flowers along the border looks more attractive than a plain lawn or one surrounded by dirt. Lewisville, Texas, sits in north central Texas near the Dallas area; it has hot summers and moderate winters that allow a variety of flowers to grow. Gardeners can plant more than one flower variety to maximize the length of time the border will bloom.
For example, bluebonnets bloom in March to May and hummingbird bush blooms June to October. Both grow well in the Lewisville climate and produce showy flowers. Weed the garden space before planting, as recommended by the National Gardening Association.
Weeds compete with flowers for water and nutrients in the soil, so get rid of them. Prepare the soil for planting by adding a layer of organic compost on top of the planting area. The National Gardening Association explains that compost helps improve the texture of both sandy and clay soils, while adding essential nutrients.
Apply a couple inches of compost on top of the soil. Mix the ... more.
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