How many people apply to medical school each year. Please only answer if you are sure about the answer?

How many people apply to medical school each year. Please only answer if you are sure about the answer. Asked by janb433 56 months ago Similar Questions: people apply medical school year answer Recent Questions About: people apply medical school year answer Education & Reference.

Similar Questions: people apply medical school year answer Recent Questions About: people apply medical school year answer.

For the year 2006 there were a total of... ...39,108 applicants to US medical schools, according to the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges). In contrast, 17,370 folks graduated from medical that same year and a grand total of 69,167 people were enrolled in medical school. If you assume these are all 4-year programs, that means the average enrollment of an individual class (ie.

The "class of 2010") would be 17,291, fairly close to how many graduated that year. In other words, of the 39K who apply, 21K (or 53%) don't get in. Your odds are very roughly 1 in 2.

Sources: .

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, in 2006 it was 39,108 See the table here for years before that and for breakdown by state. Sources: .

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