How much counterfeit stuff do you think really is being sold on eBay?

Tiffany's lawyer believed "73.1% of all products advertised as 'Tiffany sterling' on eBay were counterfeit. " do you think, about all brands, not just Tiffany? Asked by Sardis 40 months ago Similar questions: counterfeit stuff sold eBay Computers > Internet.

Similar questions: counterfeit stuff sold eBay.

I am answering because this came to Amazon mechnical turk because it was not answered on Askville I have seen many incidents of ebay counterfeit items being sold. There are lots of reports. So I am sure the number is high eBay held accountable for auctioned counterfeit itemsJun.10, 2008 eBay, the number one online auction destination, has been found liable for 3 counterfeit items sold on its site by a court in France.

The lawsuit was brought by The Hermes Group, who sell luxury goods including fashion, jewellery, leather, silk and fragrances. The items in question were 3 Hermes bags selling for a total of US$4,692. Don't miss the opportunity to participate in this exciting Counterfeit Cisco Sale on eBay.

Psst, please don't tell Cisco Brand Protection! Shende Networking is offering for sale on eBay, 292 items that are new sealed and guaranteed to be counterfeit Cisco. Sources: .

BEWARE! COUNTERFEIT ITEMS BEING SOLD AS AUTHENTIC! In case you aren't aware of this, MANY (estimated to be over 50%) of the "100% guaranteed authentic" designer & big name brand items you see on Ebay are 100% FAKE!

Replicas are sold all over the internet so they end up on Ebay. This guide is to show you some more information on the counterfeit situation and how easily these replicas are being purchased. I would like to say that you CAN find AUTHENTIC goods on Ebay for wonderful deals, I know because I've gotten some wonderful deals myself on many authentic items (and I sell my authentic items on Ebay as well).

But, you MUST be a savvy shopper and know details about the item you are interested in before making a purchase or you could be out hundreds of dollars for a fake item that could fall apart in a short time. Think you are safe with a "money back guarantee"? Not necessarily.

Many sellers with fake items WILL issue a refund to reduce the chances of you leaving negative feedback to warn others but many are just out to make a quick buck and then disappear so the supposed "money back guarantee" is not honored. This has happened to me twice. Money back the FAKE item and they would not issue a refund.

AND they left me negative feedback for filing a claim. But there are some VERY HONEST sellers on Ebay so don't ever jump to the conclusion that an item is fake if you aren't CERTAIN. Because claiming an authentic item is fake could really backfire on you (and you could end up being kicked off of Ebay or worse, sued).

And it could potentially put an honest seller through a great big headache that they do not deserve. So when you claim an item to be absolutely CERTAIN. THE COUNTERFEIT INDUSTRY IS ENORMOUSTo give you an idea of the size of the counterfeit industry....just the items that can by is at least TWICE the size of Wal-Mart.

When you consider the amount of counterfeiting that is not trackable, that number is very modest. The counterfeiting industry costs $300 billion in the US annually, $500 billion worldwide. "BUT MY ITEM CAME WITH A TAG AND AN AUTHENTICITY CARD"....Replicas (knock-offs, fakes, counterfeit items) come with boxes, tags, authenticity cards, serial numbers and even receipts.

They even come with fake shopping bags! So, its hard to know if the brand name item you are interested in on Ebay is actually authentic. So you MUST ask lots of questions!

AUCTION RED FLAGS:Many counterfeit listings are 1 - 3 day auctions and will have lines in the description such as "Hurry! Don't let this opportunity pass you by! " They are often PRIVATE listings (so that other members can't see your member ID to contact you to let you know you have won a counterfeit item).

S&H will often be inflated. Many times they figure their profit into the S&H while offering a "money back guarantee minus S&H". So, they get to keep the extra $10 or $20 they have padded into S&H.

Sellers also do not like to answer questions about counterfeits so skip any seller who refuses to answer questions regarding authenticity. They will also describe an $1800 handbag as being made of "genuine leather". Well, for $1800, I'd hope so.

They say this because the really cheap fakes aren't even made of leather. So they are buying from suppliers who are boasting about their replicas being made of genuine leather. Many times they will often type "Auth" in the heading."Auth" is not a real word so its not really guaranteeing anything.

But then again, many sellers will say "guaranteed authentic" and the item is still very fake. Many sellers do not even know they have counterfeit merchandise because they are fooled by the suppliers. These people AREN'T the bad guys - they have been DUPED by the bad guys.

So, if this appears to be the case, go easy on these sellers. "BUT MY SELLER HAD 100% POSITIVE FEEDBACK AND IS A POWER SELLER".....Most of the sellers I see with counterfeit items have great feedback and often 100% positive feedback! That is because most people see the tag and authenticity card and believe they have an authentic item so they leave great feedback.

Then, when it starts falling apart or someone tells them it is a knock-off, they've already left positive feedback and can't go back and change it. Being a POWER SELLER means nothing as far as whether or not they are selling counterfeit items.It just means they sell a certain dollar amount of items per month, real or not, and keep their feedback score at a certain level. That's about it.

Sources: .

And then took them to the designers to see if they really were genuine. Not a single one was. The companies explained how they knew they were fakes, although I seem to remember a couple of them said they were pretty convincing fakes.

(The rest of the article talked about what a nightmare it was trying to get their money back on their purchases. )I wouldn't be surprised if your statistic is in the ballpark.

2 Yikes! Quite a few years ago I stopped buying electronics on eBay because of fraud. I haven't trusted some of the designer items and wondered how they could be sold at such bargain prices.

I guess I just thought the idea of penalties would deter people from selling fakes. I think I need to get out more. :) .

Yikes! Quite a few years ago I stopped buying electronics on eBay because of fraud. I haven't trusted some of the designer items and wondered how they could be sold at such bargain prices.

I guess I just thought the idea of penalties would deter people from selling fakes. I think I need to get out more. :).

I bought a teddy bear. I named him Mohammed. I sold him on Ebay for more than I paid for it.

Did I make a prophet? " "Has anyone used Caracol Cream for wrinkles? Also, is the cream sold on Ebay a knock off cream or original?Thanks." "What is something you wouldn't buy on ebay?

" "Other than Ebay" "any safe way to sell on the internet not using ebay and paypal? " "I bought a teddy bear. I named him Mohammed.

I sold him on Ebay for more than I paid for it. Did I make a prophet?" "Where do high-end cosmetics come from that are sold cheaply on eBay? " "Is Ebay worth it to sell stuff?

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I bought a teddy bear. I named him Mohammed. I sold him on Ebay for more than I paid for it.

Did I make a prophet?

EBay vs Amazon! Which is the best place to sell your stuff? " (10 answers).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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