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Being that I can not see and feel your hair, I can just give you a general answer. Typically the shorter the hair is the easier it is to spike. That being said, you can still spike hair that is a bit longer.It just may require more product and time.
Around and inch in length or shorter is perfect to spike hair. You can cut the hair 3 or 4 inches in length and most likely get it wispy or spikey to some extent. I suggest to experiment with your hair.
Get a blow dryer and some good hair gel or hair wax. You will also need hairspray. Hold your hair in place and apply hair wax.
You can then use the blow dryer and dry it into place. Take another step and spray it good with hairspray. If your hair is on the longer side, you may need to do section by section.
If your hair is short you can most likely apply hair gel evenly throughout the hair and be done.
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Being that I can not see and feel your hair, I can just give you a general answer. Typically the shorter the hair is the easier it is to spike. That being said, you can still spike hair that is a bit longer.
It just may require more product and time. Around and inch in length or shorter is perfect to spike hair. You can cut the hair 3 or 4 inches in length and most likely get it wispy or spikey to some extent.
I suggest to experiment with your hair. Get a blow dryer and some good hair gel or hair wax. You will also need hairspray.
Hold your hair in place and apply hair wax. You can then use the blow dryer and dry it into place. Take another step and spray it good with hairspray.
If your hair is on the longer side, you may need to do section by section. If your hair is short you can most likely apply hair gel evenly throughout the hair and be done. Being that I can not see and feel your hair, I can just give you a general answer.
Typically the shorter the hair is the easier it is to spike. That being said, you can still spike hair that is a bit longer. It just may require more product and time.
Around and inch in length or shorter is perfect to spike hair. You can cut the hair 3 or 4 inches in length and most likely get it wispy or spikey to some extent. I suggest to experiment with your hair.
Get a blow dryer and some good hair gel or hair wax. You will also need hairspray. Hold your hair in place and apply hair wax.
You can then use the blow dryer and dry it into place. Take another step and spray it good with hairspray. If your hair is on the longer side, you may need to do section by section.
If your hair is short you can most likely apply hair gel evenly throughout the hair and be done.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.