How would you handle your son or daughter coming out as gay or lesbian?

It is a very hard decision for me to decide if I ever have to face with this. Im still clueless as you are.

I am not a parent but I think that if I found out someone in my family was gay I would try to be respectful of their lifestyle choice. You can change who someone is. You just have to accept that they have the right to choose who they want to be.

You can either accept who they are and be a part of their life, or you cannot. I'm not a parent though, it is probably much tougher to do in reality.

Whoever my kids choose for a significant other, of whichever gender, will still be welcomed as part of the family for as long as said son or daughter wants them there. All I ask is that s/he treat my son or daughter with the respect and tenderness that s/he deserves. Maybe my perspective will change as my kids get older, it will get some emotion to it, but I don't think my ultimate reaction would change.

This is actually a discussion that has come up a lot in my personal life recently, namely because I have become very good friends with the mother of some of my high school friends (yep, I'm friends with all four of her kids). She was raised in a good Mormon family, and in turn has raised her family the same way -- and her oldest son is gay. It's very interesting to hear from his mother and closest confidante about the issues he has gone through as a result of growing up gay in an extremely conservative area, as well as her reactions and feelings as well.

The general consensus is, who would choose something that's going to result in a lot of bias and misery? He was even engaged to a woman once, but thankfully chose to be true to himself rather than trying to live a lie that would have hurt them both.

I would accept and love them as usual. A person is not defined by their sexual preferences, and a child is no less worthy of love based on such a trait.

I have 3 son's and I have always said I would't care if they was gay. They will still be my son's to me and still be the same person. They know they could come to me and tell me and I would not batter an eye lid!X.

I would like to input on your question on how parents should Handle a child that is homosexual; I strongly agree with what everyone else has to say though sadly I think the main problem of the stigma has to do with 'religious upbringing. ' ...and yes to this I feel there has been absolutely no progression... of cause Not all will fit within this category however, I do feel that this is the major factor... I only wish that things would change as this has been a concurrent controversial subject throughout history. If people are attracted to the same sex I say - "Let It be!"

I don't think that God would of created human beings in the first place with free-will then turn against them because of their free will- if this makes sense? Free will means freedom of choice though I didn't say that homosexuality was a choice - I think it is there already 'within' the individual. Why would God create human-beings that would so call fail his/her commandments?

He/she must of known that there would be so called many culprits to this so called sin and also sin of not being a christian/catholic. Hell must be very popular...Though having to "come out" and live that lifestyle freely is an entirely different avenue that some choose not to as its still too taboo and stigmatised within society. I too thought that maybe things had progressed, but hell no not within the 'religious groups.'I can Only say that I hope for things to progress... I do feel that sooner or later things will take a turn in every direction on this earth in order to make a re-adjustment of the old ways, and that Life itself will have 'Evolved' into a New Era of Truth, Harmony, Peace and Acceptance...Cheers!

Whether your child has come out to you, of if you found out unintentionally that your son or daughter is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, your child needs you now. Every child's worst fear is that by coming out their parents will reject them. No matter what your beliefs, fears or prejudices, you need to let your child know that you love him.

Your child is the same person she was before coming out of the closet. Remember, someone's sexual orientation is just one part of who they are. Your child who loved pro wrestling and The Beatles is still the same kid you've loved since birth.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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