I have made this pie and it forms a bottom crust as it bakes. If you don't like the coconut, you can make it as a simple custard pie using the second list of ingredients. Impossible Coconut Pie 2 c.
Milk 4 eggs 1/2 c. Flour 1 c. Sugar 1 1/2 tsp.
Vanilla 1 c. Coconut 1 stick butter Dash of salt (custard pie) 4 eggs, beaten 1 3/4 c. Sugar 1/2 c.
Self-rising flour 2 c. Milk 1 tsp. Vanilla 1/2 stick butter Mix until the ingredients are smooth.
Pour in a greased pie pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn down the oven to 350 degrees and bake for another for 20-25 minutes. A simple fruit pie recipe involves mixing 8 oz cream cheese and 1 package flavored jello with 1 cup hot water.
Mix until smooth...and I mean really smooth. Pour into a baked crust which is made by combining 1 cup bisquick, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup butter or margarine and a dash of cinnamon. Roll out and bake in a 9x13 cake pan.
Cool completely and pour in the cream cheese/jello mixture. Refrigerate until set. Top with sliced fresh fruit and serve.
This is a cheap version of cheesecake my sister introduced me to. It is actually quite good. Hope these help you in celebrating your holidays.
Jewel tone salad: it's made from gelatins, cream cheese and pineapple only. ehow.com/how_5674947_make-jewel-tone-sal... If you have access cake mix, you can make a dump cake. It calls for pecans but they can be left out.
ehow.com/how_5512157_make-quick-easy-dum... You can also make a pie crust from crumbling up your own graham crackers, chocolate cookies, gingersnaps or vanilla waffers if you have access to them. A simple cobbler can be made by mixing: 1 cup of sugar 1 cup of milk 1 stick of butter 1 cup of flour Peaches or cherries If I think of anything else I'll post it.
Here is a really fabulous desert pie with no crust and it will shock you and your friends. Oh by the way its natural too! Seaweed Pie 1/4 oz Irish Moss 1 1/2 pints of milk 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla extract 2 table spoons of sugar 1 egg separated Soak the Irish moss in water for ten minutes.
Place the irish moss in milk in a pot and bring to a boil. Cover the saucepan and simmer gently for 20 minutes stirring occasionally so the milk does not overly evaporate, the carrageen which is made from the irish moss will thickened too much if it does. Pour the through a strainer and press through the jelly that is formed, then add the sugar and vanilla essence.
Beat the egg yolk into the mixture. Whip the egg white separately until stiff and then fold into the mixture, it should float to the top to produce a foamy appearance. Then cool and allow the desert to set in the fridge.
Serve with fruit preserves, caramel sauce or soft brown sugar and cream, scrumptious.
Apple dumpling bake 2-8oz tubes refrigerated cresent rolls 2 medium granny smith apples, peeled, cored 1c. Sugar 1/3c. Butter or margerine, melted 3/4c.
Mountain dew soda ground cinnamon cut each apple into 8 pieces. Seperate dough into 16 triangles. Wrap a crescent dough triangle around each apple wedge.
Place in greased 13x9x2 inch baking dish. In a bowl. Combine sugar & butter.
Sprinkle over rolls. Slowly pour soda around the rolls. Do not stir.
Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm with ice cream.
Feel free to substitute with any fruits you happen to find in your local grocery store, add or remove nuts as you wish, and the crispy oat top makes for a hearty fall treat. Recipe: allrecipes.com/Recipe/Apple-Cranberry-Cr...
The pecans I think can be omitted from this and it will still be delicious. Recipe: allrecipes.com/Recipe/Apple-Butter-Spice...
Recipe: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Sheris-Fun-Fruit-Turkey/Detail.aspx I hope you find something you like out of all our answers, and happy Thanksgiving! :).
Crustless Apple Pie Watch this step by step video and you would not go wrong. youtube.com/watch?v=KOP8-baStJo.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.