I am looking to buy a book, surgical technologist certifying exam study guide second edition. Publisher the association of surgical technologist Asked by millie0606 53 months ago Similar questions: buy book surgical technologist certifying exam study guide edition Arts > Books.
Similar questions: buy book surgical technologist certifying exam study guide edition.
Copies are available directly from AST (AST. Org/MerchantManager. Com; 1-800-637-7433): Item #365011, $55 for non-members.
Association of Surgical Technologists6 W. Dry Creek Cir. Littleton, CO 80120800-637-7433 (Toll-Free)303-325-2500303-694-9169 (Fax)http://www.merchantmanager.com/associationsur/MM004.ASP?pageno=50Surgical Technologist CST Examination Study Guide - Second Edition
Source for Guide The publisher offers this guide for sale at-merchantmanager.com/associationsur/MM004... nonmember price is $55.00You may want to check your local library as well and ask if interlibrary loan services are available for the guide. You do see cheaper prices, but a closer look reveals that the cheaper books are first editions from 1995. Thank you for your question!
Sources: various .
Try half. Com Find out the ISBN by searching at Amazon. Com or Half.Com, and then look at Half.
Com to buy it second-hand. It will be much cheaper, and possibly, will be in good-as-new shape. If it's not readily available, you can set up a watchlist there to have it email you when one becomes available.
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I am looking for a study guide for the ServSafe Exam. Anyone known of any good ones?
The name of the study guide for inpatient obstetrical nursing certification exam.
I need to order two books: Guide to Project Manger's Book of Knowledge, 3rd Edition ANDPMP Prep Rita's Course.
I have to take my Series 7 and Series 63 exam in one month and I am looking for a study guide book (esp for the 7).
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