Cant wait to watch nearly all of the games and see the teams play in this world cup. At this point you have to take so much into consideration as to which teams are going to qualify. We are going into the final stages of the qualifiers and teams will be eager to win every match to ensure their country will book a birth in the finals.
South Africa being the host country will be buoyed by knowing they will have crowed support for every match they play and hope this advantage will be there edge to win it. Right now the qualifiers are intense and we have six continental zones to keep us intrigue till next year. The two most interesting zones are Europe and South America. Europe being the most challenging one have at this stage 53 countries vying for births in the final.
Portugal,Turkey and France are three teams finding the going tough. Portugal and Turkey are third in their groups and France sits at second in theirs. Out of the three France should be able to qualify for the next round while Portugal who has the hardest group face countries like Denmark,Hungary and Sweden.
Turkey on the other hand might have it easier than Portugal and would certainly get competition from Bosnia and Belgium, Spain the other side in this group surely looks like the team to win this group and they are number 2 team in the world. Note out of the 10 groups only the teams who have most points qualify for the world and the second place team "Play-off for World Cup qualification in November 2009 for eight best: 2nd" in South America zone Argentina are wheeling in their next qualifier they face their arch enemies the mighty Brazilians they have a tough hill to climb. In the Concacaf zone United states will try to rebound after they lost to Mexico both teams have a lot to prove and will need to win most if not all of their final matches.In the Asian zone Japan and Australia are the sure teams to qualify both leading their groups.
Interestingly the African zone should provide a lot of upsets and surprise entries. Cameron surprisingly are last in their group and would have to do the impossible to qualify. This zone is just waiting to implode or explode just loving the soccer.
I'm certainly looking forward to watching Stephen Gerrard score the goal that wins England the World cup.....
Me I love most sports tourements on tv but the world cups my fav.
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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.