I have a recipe to bake bagels - boiling them and all. What is malt powder? And what can I substitute for that?
Asked by bubbe 47 months ago Similar questions: recipe bake bagels boiling malt powder substitute Food & Drink > Cooking.
Similar questions: recipe bake bagels boiling malt powder substitute.
There are no substitutes that I could find. Malt Powder: Commercial malt powders are usually made with barley, and they're used extensively by commercial bakers. There are two main types of malt powder: diastatic and non-diastatic.
Diastatic malt contains active enzymes which help break starch down into sugar. The extra sugar feeds the yeast in the dough, helping the bread to rise, and also gives the bread a browner crust. It's often used to make crusty breads.
Non-diastatic malt doesn't have active enzymes, but it gives baked goods better flavor and a shinier, browner crust. It's used in everything from bagels to croissants to breakfast cereals. Don't confuse malt powder with malted milk powder, which also contains powdered milk and wheat flour and is used to make beverages.
Look for malt powder in health food stores or baking supply stores. Sources: baking911.com/terms/baking_mno.htm .
You can make your own Malt powder is really just malt flour. You can make malt powder by allowing whole grains to sprout briefly, drying them, and then grinding them into a powder. Most malt powders are usually made with barley, and used extensively by commercial bakers.
There are two main types of malt powder: diastatic and non-diastatic. You would be talking about the Non Diastatc Malt. Non-diastatic malt doesn’t have active enzymes, but it gives baked goods better flavor and a shinier, browner crust.
Look for malt powder in health food stores or baking supply stores. Or you can order it on line from King Arthur Flour at : kingarthurflour.com/shop/detail.jsp?id=3995 Sources: My own baking experience and King Arthur Flour *Carla*'s Recommendations The Best Bagels Are Made at Home (Nitty Gritty Cookbooks) Amazon List Price: $8.95 Used from: $1.14 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) .
Diastatic malt powder Malt is a grain that's allowed to germinate before being used. Diastatic malt powder, which is probably what your recipe is calling for and is generally made from malted barley, is added to your bagel recipes to give the bagels a finer crumb. In all of my bagel recipes, the malt is added both to the dough and to the boiling water.
If you don't have any, you can substitute an equal amount of barley malt syrup. I also found this website which gives further information about diastatic malt powder and even gives a technique for making your own. I haven't tried this, but if you're feeling adventurous... Whenever I need to buy a weird or unusual baking ingredient that isn't carried by my regular grocery store, I shop here.
They have both diastatic malt powder and barley malt syrup, and they carry enough other fun baking ingredients to make placing an order worthwhile (and if you do order, get a bag of their Vermont Country Cheddar bread mix! ). Good luck!
Sources: Recipes from "More Bread Machine Magic" by Rehberg & Conway MidwestPurgatory's Recommendations Diastatic Malt Powder, 1 lb. Barley Malt Syrup, 16 fl. Oz.
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) More Bread Machine Magic : More Than 140 New Recipes From the Authors of Bread Machine Magic for Use in All Types of Sizes of Bread Machines Amazon List Price: $11.95 Used from: $5.53 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 18 reviews) .
It helps the dough rise Some traditional bagel recipes call for diastatic malt powder, which is made from malted (that is, sprouted) wheat. It provides sugars that help give bread (especially highly glutinous breads, like bagels) a finer texture. Yeasts love it, and it imparts a distinctive flavor.
But if you don't have it, leave it out. Your recipe will work fine without it. It won't have quite the same texture or flavor, but I've made bagels for years without using it.
If you do decide to get some (and it's not expensive) get the diastatic malt powder. There's also a non-diastatic malt powder which has had its enzymes neutralized. It's sweet, but the enzymes in the diastatic malt powder help provide the effect the recipe writer was looking for.
PamPerdue's Recommendations Diastatic Malt Powder, 1 lb. It's out of stock, though. The link above goes to King Arthur Flour, who sells it for five bucks a pound.
Or get it at a local health food store.
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Substitute for baking powder when recipe already calls for sour cream.
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