I have an Xbox360 but its plugged in upstairs while my Comp is downstairs should I try a 20ft ethernet cable or wireless?

I have an Xbox360 but its plugged in upstairs while my Comp is downstairs should I try a 20ft ethernet cable or wireless I have a cat and it likes to tear things up so should I risk the cable or should I just shell out for wireless Asked by CarpeNoctis 36 months ago Similar questions: Xbox360 plugged upstairs Comp downstairs 20ft ethernet cable wireless Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Similar questions: Xbox360 plugged upstairs Comp downstairs 20ft ethernet cable wireless.

Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Here's what you should do 1. Buy the cable. Buy longer than you need, however - get a 30 or 50 foot cable to let you move around.2.

Strangle the cat. 3. Plug everything in.4.


From a networking standpoint... Since I specialize in computer networking I can tell you your WIRED connection will always be faster. Ethernet cable is pretty durable. Its also pretty cheap to repair if you have a crimper tool with a 2 RJ-45 connectors.

Lowes I know sells it for about 15 cents a foot. The connectors are about 50 cents a pop. A crimper can range anywhere from 20 to 40 dollars.

Anyways, the Category 5 Ethernet cable consists of a thick plastic cover and 4 copper twisted wire pairs that are shielded by a thinner plastic cover. I'd honestly be more worried about the cat wanting to eat your video cables for your xbox360 or your controller. Those wires are more destructible if a cat decides to chew on it.

If you're worried about it, I'd have the cable running tight against the wall... Maybe even mount it to the wall. If you do decide to go the wireless route, you're gonna have to make sure your wireless router isn't running on the same channel as your neighbor (they have to be atleast 5 channels apart in order to have no interference).... You're gonna have to change your cordless phones if they are running on the 2.4 GHz frequency.... since you're in a building with two floors, another concern would be reception. You would have to buy a router with MIMO or a wireless N router so you can achieve your best signal so you don't die due to a lag monster.

Wireless is just convenient for avoiding the mess of wiring your house... It comes with a lot more technical complications though. Not to mention, security issues... You have to worry about those people hijacking your wifi to acquire free internet access... Do you live in a community where the houses are within 100ft-300ft from each other? If this is a concern, go wired.

Feel free to message me if you have any futhur questions. Sources: Myself - Im a networking nerd.

Go with wireless It's easy to connect and is well worth the $100. You can find it cheaper on Amazon or ebay. You have to ask yourself "what if I moved my computer somewhere else?"

With the wireless it won't matter cause you will always be connected. Also a 20' CAT will cost you around $20 so another $80 is worth it IMO. Sources: personal experience LakersFreak's Recommendations Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter Amazon List Price: $99.99 Used from: $68.80 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 341 reviews) .

1 For gaming............always go cable for fastest speeds.Blessings.......Annlee .

For gaming............always go cable for fastest speeds.Blessings.......Annlee.

I have wireless router connected to puter downstairs. How can I enable upstairs computer to connect to same router? " "Why can you lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs?

I have wireless router connected to puter downstairs. How can I enable upstairs computer to connect to same router?

I have an Xbox360 but its plugged in upstairs while my Comp is downstairs should I try a 20ft ethernet cable or wireless I have a cat and it likes to tear things up so should I risk the cable or should I just shell out for wireless Asked by CarpeNoctis 37 months ago Similar questions: Xbox360 plugged upstairs Comp downstairs 20ft ethernet cable wireless Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Here's what you should do 1. Buy the cable. Buy longer than you need, however - get a 30 or 50 foot cable to let you move around.2.

Strangle the cat. 3. Plug everything in.

4. Voila!.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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