I need to find a nice (military) Air force gift for my sister in law who is the nursing field in the Air Force. Her new?

I need to find a nice (military) Air force gift for my sister in law who is the nursing field in the Air Force. Her new title will be 305th Medical Operations Squadron (MDOS) Commander. I was looking for a nice statue or type of ceramic piece that can be engraved with her new title that she could display on her desk or or hang.

Please help all I have been finding is aprons,mugs,flasks,sweatshirts rediculous! Help Asked by ArabianKnightress 42 months ago Similar questions: find nice military Air force gift sister law nursing field Force Politics & Law > Military.

Similar questions: find nice military Air force gift sister law nursing field Force.

I have another idea for you. Since your sister-in-law is in the military she'll probably have a few moves in her future when she transfers from time to time. Having been in the military, I tended to 'toss' items I really didn't need when it came time to move.

Rather than a statue or ceramic piece which she'd only have to very carefully pack, what about a nice bracelet or a locket that you could have engraved. That's something she could keep her entire life and it may mean more to her. I'm sure you could find one that isn't too expensive (or expensive at all, for that matter).

Anyway, just a thought. Good luck to you (and bless her for her work! ).

Sources: My opinion .

1 These sites might have something:militaryplaques.com militaryplaquestore.com bufs.com/military.html .

These sites might have something:militaryplaques.com militaryplaquestore.com bufs.com/military.html.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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