I was just watching "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" on the Food Network. What is the best thing you ever ate?

I was just watching "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" on the Food Network. What is the best thing you ever ate? Asked by *Carla* 10 months ago Similar questions: watching Thing Ate Food Network thing ate Entertainment > Humor.

Similar questions: watching Thing Ate Food Network thing ate.

A goat meat recipe prepared by my French mother-in-law. Nah! Nah!

Nah! Seriously, though. Yes!

When I was in Greece I had a meal on a farm where they served goat. It was cooked on a spit out doors and was very good. *Carla* 10 months ago .

Gee, we must have visited the same farm in Greece.

Ive eaten lots of things where Ive said..... mmmmm this is better then you know what LOL. But for dessert it would have to be a tie between cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory or Red Velvet cake. For a meal it was a nice big juicy steak smotherd in sauted onions with garlic mashed potatoes from a local restaurant.

Cheesecake Factory Cheese Cake! Have you tried the Red Velvet Cheese Cake? OMG!

*Carla* 10 months ago .

My grandmother's from scratch Butter Pound Cake and her Corn Tamales cooked in the corn husk.

I love homemade tamales. My ex mother in law was from Honduras and she made some awsome tamales. The only reason I regret getting divorced is that I don't get tamales any more.

:P *Carla* 10 months ago .

A real good eggplant parmesan and for dessert, tapioca pudding with some rasberry sauce.

After all these answers here. I've decided that I just love all food. Hahaha, big surprise there.

:P *Carla* 10 months ago .

My Great-grandmothers spaghetti and meatballs with breaded veal on the side and homemade tiramisu for dessert.................gotta go to the kitchen now! ;~P .

LOL! I have an extra plate if you need help. *Carla* 10 months ago .

She always fixed extra so bring that plate and come on by! .

Ok, no fair! The show has a catagory for each show! There are a lot of goodies out there, break it down for us!


Okay Tessie I'm in a desert mood, So best dessert for you. *Carla* 10 months ago .

It was a cheesecake with some kind of pralines and cream type topping. Can't remember what it was called and don't know where it came from, it was a gift. If I had to go to a grocery store though, I'm always a sucker for a simple pie from Marie Callender called Razzleberry.

That's right up there next to chocolate for me. I feel like I'm on cloud nine with those berries.

I love Razzleberry pie I get the sugar free one. Marie Callender's is having a pie sale right now. Should we be naughty TessieJo?

*Carla* 10 months ago .

I have tasted a sugar free apple pie from another company, and it was terrible. I haven't seen one of hers that is sugar free before. I'll have to try and find one.

Since I am a diabetic, my concious would be a little more at ease! LOL .

Eba and egusi stewit's a Nigerian dish and the stew is made using melon seeds, spinach leaves, fish and beef and red oilit's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G .

I just googled it and found a recipe with chicken. It looks good, but I'm not sure what egusi seeds are. They look like what we call pumpkin seeds do you know if they are the same?

*Carla* 10 months ago .

Well I thought it was pumpkin seeds too but my mum and my aunty are adamant that it's not but it is some kind of melon seedif you live in a multicultural area, you can go into one of those african shops and they sell them there .

I googled it and it says it's from a type of west african melon htm.

The trend goes and comes like a fad. It was a time I wanted potatoes in every form and fashion. The it was pasta one time with red/marinara sauce or white/alfredo.

Currently now almost anything in this conventional countertop oven.

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Tell us about it! " "Rocketeer Question-What is THE best thing you ever ate---What was it? Where Can we go to try it?

" "What was the best truck stop food you have ate? Did you feel intimidated to try the food?" "what is the last food you ate? I just ate an entire small glass jar of pickled beets.

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Airline passenger ate winning scratch card. Was it better than airline food?

The best food I ever ate was__________. Why was it the best? Tell us about it!

I just ate an entire small glass jar of pickled beets.

Mold on the bottom of the dog food container and my dog ate the food until the bottom should I be concerned.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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