I went off birth control in december. Got my first period since then 2 weeks ago. It has been very heavy w/ large clots?

I went off birth control in december. Got my first period since then 2 weeks ago. It has been very heavy w/ large clots.

Asked by ErinD05 7 months ago Similar questions: birth control december period weeks ago heavy large clots Health > Reproduction.

Similar questions: birth control december period weeks ago heavy large clots.

As long as the clots are dark red or brown it is likely not a problem. That is just built up edometral lining. It they are bright red clots, call the dr right now and insist on talking to someone.

Either way, it is alway free to call the nurse and ask.

" "I had a d & c and was on birth control during that time, its been 3 weeks since the d&c and my period is due . Could I g" "how long will you be on your period when your on the birth control pill?" "Can I take the birth control pill on my second day of my period? " "I'm on a birth control where I shouldn't have my period, and i've been bleeding for 3 weeks now.

Whats wrong?" "I took a birth control pill today from three months ago but my period wasn't on, it ended on Monday, is that ok? " "I gave birth 7 weeks ago and just started taking birth control 3 weeks ago and have been bleeding for 2 weeks straight i" "i've had my period for seven days now n i'm on birth control, what does that mean" "can you start birth control before the sunday after your period? " "i've had my period for three weeks now and they're heavy.

I had a d & c and was on birth control during that time, its been 3 weeks since the d&c and my period is due . Could I g.

I'm on a birth control where I shouldn't have my period, and i've been bleeding for 3 weeks now. Whats wrong?

I gave birth 7 weeks ago and just started taking birth control 3 weeks ago and have been bleeding for 2 weeks straight i.

I've had my period for seven days now n i'm on birth control, what does that mean.

I've had my period for three weeks now and they're heavy.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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