I have stopped the pill three mnths ago to try for a baby but I am having a period every two weeks thay are very heavy?

I have stopped the pill three mnths ago to try for a baby but I am having a period every two weeks thay are very heavy Asked by emma29 15 months ago Similar questions: stopped pill mnths ago baby period weeks thay heavy Politics & Law > Issues.

Similar questions: stopped pill mnths ago baby period weeks thay heavy.

This is not normal. You need to see a doctor to find out the reason this is happening to you.

I've had my period for two weeks plus now. I am on the pill but have missed it and now I'm back on it but it's stillhere" "I had my period 2 weeks ago, it usely normal it always comes on time, but since yesterday I am having my period now . " "I've been on birth control for two weeks now.My period not as heavy but its very light.

And it been two weeks. " "My period skipped when I started the pill now 3 weeks later I have my period which has been going on for 9 days! Normal?

" "I just had a baby 5 weeks ago.. My dr gave me Loestrin. When can I take it. I don't know when I will get my next period.

" "i want to start the pill two weeks before my period to skip it will this work? " "My girlfriend started the pill a while ago and now she's been on her period for almost 3wks could she be pregnant?" "I have 3 years on the pill, I stopped two weeks ago, want to start again. Can I start today?

Need to wait til my period?" "Im on the pill and 2 weeks ago (sept. 7) started my period and ended on the 11th. But started spotting 2 days later and" "if I took my pill for the first time but my period is 2 weeks away, will I still have protection?

I've had my period for two weeks plus now. I am on the pill but have missed it and now I'm back on it but it's stillhere.

I had my period 2 weeks ago, it usely normal it always comes on time, but since yesterday I am having my period now .

I've been on birth control for two weeks now. My period not as heavy but its very light. And it been two weeks.

My period skipped when I started the pill now 3 weeks later I have my period which has been going on for 9 days! Normal?

I just had a baby 5 weeks ago.. My dr gave me Loestrin. When can I take it. I don't know when I will get my next period.

I have 3 years on the pill, I stopped two weeks ago, want to start again. Can I start today? Need to wait til my period?

Im on the pill and 2 weeks ago (sept. 7) started my period and ended on the 11th. But started spotting 2 days later and.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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