I'm going to have to go with a magic pair of jeans that no matter what would always have five one-hundred dollar bills in the front left pocket. Like these ones but with cash.
Since I'm in poor health, I lack the energy most of the time to do any good, whether at work, at home, helping others, etc. So, my one wish would be to be in perfect health, which includes being at my proper weight (slim), no fibromyalgia, no chronic fatigue syndrome, no asthma, no arthritis, no migraines, and no other problems that I really don't want to list here. This way, I will have all the energy I need to accomplish what I need and want to accomplish. The end result means I get more work done and I can help others - with is my ultimate goal.
I would wish that I had never been given the wish in the first place.
I would wish that no one could do to another anything without that persons explicit and conscious permission or consent. There'd be no more killing, no crimes, no abuse. But it would have to be worded better to avoid negligence against underdeveloped or mentally damaged persons.
And it would make us all responsible for our own happiness since we couldn't blame anyone else if we weren't getting what we wanted. Yeah, I like that.
I would keep it simple, open, and positive: happiness and well-being for the people I care about.
I think I would wish that all of my children will grow up healthy and without any reason to worry - basically wish for that they are covered in life. I doubt that one wish would be enough to change the world or end World Hunger - I think its a chain reaction if you wish for world Hunger to stop maybe a war will break out over who has what food or people who still try to gain from it! So I rather die knowing my kids are taken care of then not know what will become of them!
I would wish for prosperity to all staff and members of Mahalo.
A full life for my daughters, love, community, families filled with support and be able to trust in our country and know the reasons, and always appreciate the value of our freedom.
I would wish for ten million dollars. With that kind of money, I could set up my life the way I'd like it to be, and do a lot of good for the world.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.