Hell yes.... I want to witness the long story of humanity. Will we ever populate other solar systems? How are we going to evolve?
What superb technology will we call our own? Do we meet some other lifeforms? How will wie die out...? A great movie you must watch: The Man from the Earth.
Yes, I would, as long as I was given a superpower to make my life as an immortal easier. I don't want to live a miserable immortal life. And what good is an immortality, if you are not immune to disease and must suffer them.
I'd also wanted to have fellow immortals so I won't be alone in the world. Being alone scares the hell out of me. I would because there is so much to see in the world, so much to do, and so little time.
I want to travel around the world and try many occupations, and ponder the meaning of life.
Hell no. I can't comment beyond that. We are born, and then we die.
The bit in the middle is called LIFE! The best thing in the world.
Nope I would not want to be immortal. I would not mind living to 150 if I was still able to care for myself but that is impossible.
Hell yes. That would be a nice chance to have you can live forever and not worry or be scared of death! And I do agree to the power thing it would really make a difference especially if it can help others!
But before I was to become immortal I would want to do things that you won't be able to do when you are immortal such as having Children!
No, I have no desire to live this life forever. It would take the fun out of it, the urgency and the challenge. Plus I believe in one of two fates at the time of our deaths.. if we have learned all that we should learn and lived those lessons with honor we go on to Valhalla and feast with our ancestors.. if we have lessons yet to learn or honor to earn we become reincarnated and do it all over again anyway.
Personally, I’d take it in all situations with no hesitation at all. Living forever would be awesome honestly, despite the downsides. NOTE: This isn’t choosing which immortality you would like the most.
This is answering if you would accept Immortality if you were given the offer of it with the above condition. Also, wasn’t exactly sure to put this in off topic or on-topic....Chose ontopic cause I figured I’d get more serious answers.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.