Im Catholic but I read a Christian bible.Does it mean that im Christian now?or Catholic?im so confuse D:?

To understand the Bible, you need to begin with an understanding of what God has done to restore us to a relationship with Himself. Every one of us has to approach God as a sinner, alienated from Him, because he is holy and will not have anything to do with sin. The Good News of the Gospel is that God has made a way for us to be restored, by sending His Son from heaven to take the evil of our sins, and the just punishment, upon himself; so that we could be freely forgiven and come back into the grace of God - by faith.

When we do, we receive the Spirit of Christ - a gift that makes us into a child of God; and we can begin to understand what God has freely provide for us through his Son Jesus. Here is how to make that work for you....... listen how God saved one man......

While there are many SEEMING contradictions, when a person thoroughly checks what the Scriptures --as a whole-- say about such issues, the supposed contradictions always fade into oblivion... Take for example: # The claim that Luke got the date of Christ's birth wrong... When history is *closely* examined, it actually *backs up* --rather than discredits-- what Luke reports, as is shown in: "Was Luke in Error about the Birthplace of Jesus?" "While some may *claim* that the Bible contradicts itself ... We have never seen one that could withstand honest scrutiny. True, there may appear to be discrepancies in certain Bible accounts.

But *the problem usually is lack of knowledge regarding details and circumstances of the times*..." "Why You Can Trust the Bible" - Does it contradict itself? "Reasons to Trust the Bible" : 1. Historical Soundness 2.

Candor and Honesty 3. Internal Harmony <* 4. Scientific Accuracy 5.

Fulfilled Prophecy When each Scriptural subject is examined separately, it is easier to keep things straight. For this reason, the following book is provided to those who wish to gain Bible understanding. It shows the reader 'where Scripture teaches what' about each subject, in its own chapter: "What Does the Bible *Really* Teach?" You might also want to consider finding a Bible that is easier to understand --and perhaps more accurate, as well-- because that can be a great help in making its teachings much clearer to you: "How Can You Choose a Good Bible Translation?" You can read several Bibles online: Compare a VARIETY of Bibles: "Understanding the Bible--A Pleasure Open to You!"

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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