There is some nifty software that will allow a good number of Canon cameras to be used with a computer as a remote shutter release. Check out the software: A review of the software:
A scanner would be cheaper and produce much, much better results in almost all situations involving documents. Just an idea... I'm guessing you have a good reason (docs are too big, too rare and can't be touched, something like that), so you should definitely look for a camera with a wireless remote or at least one that can use an optional 3rd party remote. Just for example, Canon's venerable PowerShot line of cameras can use a remote.
If you don't feel like shopping around, you can pay $30 and get the Official Canon remote for the camera. It's just an IR transmitter, like the dozen or so you have lying around your house, so if you had a universal remote and the right codes, that'd work too. But you can find third party remotes straight out of the factory from China for $5 on ebay.
NOTE: I am NOT recommending this link/company. My guess is they are fine (I order cheap generic crap from China all the time with no issues ever, so far), but I really have no idea and this is just the first link I found: IR-Wireless-Remote-for-Canon.
Just use the 10 second self-timer. Otherwise you would have to buy a wired or wireless remote cable assuming your camera supports such a connection.
Yes, not many digital cameras support the remote shutter release. And the ones that do are not cheap. Though if you are crafty or handy, I've included a page that tells you how to make your own for a canon.
I bought 2 cheap canon cameras - under $100 over past 3 years that do remote shutter control. Canon has there own software which is ok but there is a third party piece of software that is even better go to this website and look for supported canon models. Then go to ebay and buy the cheapest used model.
You can probably get one for $50.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.