Is there a hi def television that will play standard television signals as good as my old tube TV?

Most of the television I watch is old vintage television. I want Def for some new things but I also want to be able to watch my old shows in good quality. Asked by polyreswdw 56 months ago Similar questions: def television play standard signals tube TV Entertainment > Television.

Similar questions: def television play standard signals tube TV.

I doubt it... I'm VERY interested in the answer on this. The only comment I really have, is make them turn to a non-high def station when you're looking at them so you know what you're getting. I'd shopped for a high def maybe two years ago.

The salesmen kept telling me non-high def stations "looked fine" but claimed they only had digital stations so couldn't show me... I eventually ended up at circuit city, the salesman there made sure his boss wasn't looking, then showed me what the pictures looked like with an analog feed on each of the high def TV's - they all looked awful, waves of pixelation or blurs. He said they had new types/models coming out soon that would be better, check back in 6 months. I've been checking online, but haven't heard of any of them that really work with lower quality signals..

No I have had a plasma HDTV for a few months now, and I've found that standard def looks a lost worse just because I have been spoiled by HDTV. After looking at beautiful HDTV, going back to standard makes it a whole lot worse by comparison. But there are some technical reasons why also: Because standard definition contains less image information it will never look as good as HD content, but several factors can make it look better or worse.

A few of the stations may be over-compressing their signal, which is fairly obvious when you see how much worse certain stations look on a plain old TV compared to other stations with crisp image quality. Stations sending a poor signal are going to deliver a poor picture just like any other garbage-in garbage-out method of operation. If all non-HD stations look bad on your screen, this is likely not the problem.

One of the big factors in making standard definition look better on an HD screen is the amount of filtering built in to your particular TV. Some manufacturers go the extra mile and add special filters designed to improve the quality of the standard definition signal, specifically because most television stations are still broadcasting in standard definition. The picture may also look better or worse depending on how well your screen scales the image from the standard 4:3 aspect ratio the more common 16:9 aspect ratio for HD content.

Standard definition content is optimized for 4:3 which means the television is stretching the image to fit the HD screen. In general, stretching results in a distorted image, not a pixilated one, but you may be able to improve the image quality by turning off the image stretching feature on your TV and watching non-HD channels in their native aspect ratio. Sources: jakeludington.Com .

I just got an HDTV but still have standard-def satellite TV, and it looks lousy. What do I do? " "i am looking for a television wall mount for a sharp 32 inch flat screen tv" "Have you ever been on television?" "We are unable to get our Sony DVD player DVP-NS57P to work on our old Toshiba tube television...can you please help!

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I just got an HDTV but still have standard-def satellite TV, and it looks lousy. What do I do?

I am looking for a television wall mount for a sharp 32 inch flat screen tv.

We are unable to get our Sony DVD player DVP-NS57P to work on our old Toshiba tube television...can you please help!

What is the difference when DVD videos play in personal computers and television.

Where can you purchase a TV tuner that you can plug to your television so your able to record from the vcr.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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